🇧🇬Bulgaria @alexander.nachev

Account created on 10 November 2011, about 13 years ago

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🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Subscribing.. I have the same issue. Made a migration and 10.2.7 was fine than upgraded and now "Structure" and "Configuration" links in toolbar are missing. /admin/config is 403 Access Denied. Rebuilding permissions does  nothing.

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Hello, I am not sure why the JSON.stringify() is there but removing it seems to solve this issue for me. The cookies are set.
Maybe its not needed when setting just { path: '/'} in cookiebot.js line 94 and 102 ??

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

{{ 42|integer }} 

results to an error:

Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unknown "integer" filter. in Twig\ExpressionParser->getFilterNodeClass() 

Wasn't adding twig to drupal supposed to make work easier? 

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

I am one of the heaters here and I have to admit that after strugling a lot and a lot of hair pulling for about 1 year experience with D8/9 now 10, now i like it like i did with D7. 

I still have to learn a lot. But in the end its good that you get better at what you do. 

Missing Rules module was a huge drawback. But now we have ECA  and its even better. Harder but better. This is what Drupal is now, even harder to learn but even better than before.

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Same Issue. Link remains visible even if when visited it returns 403. I am using PHP validation that compares currently logged user with the $argument (Id of user from route)

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Same for me in D9. No change on menu item edit form.

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Full nonsense. Installed and the site immediately crashed. Trying to uninstall it also crashes the site.
I had to rebuild what it wanted in the DB to be able to uninstall this module.

I had to add a column:
ALTER TABLE `menu_link_content_data` ADD `menu_item_override_children` INT NOT NULL AFTER `revision_translation_affected`;

and create 2 tables with blank columnts which are attached here

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Lovely :))). This helped me out find the damn SPACE in front of <?php that broke my xml. Thank you so much!!!

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Hi, can't say about the transaction module but I can definetly contribute to the ECA library or here. I can also help out with a tutorial for this and maybe other modells that I am going to create for a project I am currently working which is interesting. And yes if you find this model suitable feel free to add it in the library.

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

I am trying to achieve something similiar but i am not very familiar with ECA and there is not much examples out there.
Can you please export this model so I can learn from it?

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Reading about other errors in google for "parameter was not converted" I finnaly understood that the wishlist type i am sending with the ajax call is somehow wrong. The widget sends as second parameter "wishlist" and I named the wishlist type "Favourites" so the machine name is different and it seems to be hardcoded in the AJAX widget. Some one with more skill than me can say...

Solution was just to rename my wishlist type to wishlist.

My next problem was to be able to create wishlists as anonymous user. I set the permissions for the anon user and voalia the widget allowed me to create wishlists with the session ID and these wishlists stayed. Really cool.

I was not able to add items to the wishlists I create as anon user and getting 403 ajax error telling me "update own better wishlist permission is required"

And I tried giving the anon user every permission the module has created without making any difference.

Without much thinking I found the better_wishlist_widget.routing.yml file and changed:
_permission: 'update own better wishlist'
_permission: 'access content'

hahhah come hackers you are welcome :)

And it works.
Definetly very ugly solution but I will leave it like this untill I learn more on D9 or someone fixes this.

🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev


I also managed to solve the same issue. 

Some modules, sometimes decide to remove your roles when being UNINSTALLED. Not all but be very carefull when uninstalling because you might not even notice initially that the anonymnous role is missing and do a bunch of other stuff and find out that the anon user has access to nothing. And then you start scratching your head which exactly did this. Its really frustrating! 

I am not very good at the 9th version and I don't know where are the missing files but found in the database in table "CONFIG" that the row "user.roles.anonymnous" is missing.

I exported the same row from a working site, cleared the cache cause there is also "CONFIG_CACHE" table and my missing anonymnous role was back and working. 

Here is the SQL query I ran

"INSERT INTO `config` (`collection`, `name`, `data`) VALUES ('', 'user.role.anonymous', 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);" 
🇧🇬Bulgaria alexander.nachev

Hi All,
I also need to add Userpoints with ECA. Where can I read more about this?

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