johnny5th β created an issue.
johnny5th β created an issue.
johnny5th β created an issue.
I'm interested in lending a hand with this module, as I'd like to use it heavily on our new website. I'm effectively wanting to replace Paragraphs for ease of content authoring.
I've done a bit of research on this particular issue, but I'm wondering if you have an idea of how you'd like it to be implemented.
Are you wanting to dynamically inject a component's css/js when it is created, or would you be fine with appending to the internal.drupal.ckeditor5 library?
On my project I'm probably going to have a [component].base.css, [component].theme.css, and [component].editor.css file, and only inject the editor variant (that includes the base file) into the editor library. As a way to get started, I'm just going to include all of my editor files in the ckeditor5-stylesheets key in my component module's info file.
I'm also seeing this issue. Disabling book fixes the menu-link tokens.
Looks good to me!
I don't think we should limit ourselves to the core standards, by any means, but I do think we should keep them in mind when defining them for the API client. I think it would be cool/helpful if they eventually became one and the same standard, but only if our new API standard is compatible with and an "upgrade" to the core standard.
+1 for JWT support. You can do some neat stuff with it like calling other services and validating with a shared key.
I thought the process you ran with the decoupled menus initiative went really well. A weekly check in on Slack keeps the project top of mind and prompts people to contribute.
Thanks for the patch komejo. I'm not against this idea, but I think there's a fundamental problem with this implementation.
- There's an efficiency issue for sites without the webp module. You should check that the webp module is enabled before running the extension checks.
- If webp images are available, you're not leaving any fallbacks incompatible browsers. You might check out either using a @supports block, or maybe even using an image-set as a source if all browsers that support image-set also support webp:
Looks fine, please create a merge request.