Account created on 19 June 2011, about 13 years ago
  • PHP/Drupal Developer at VardotΒ 

Merge Requests

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πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan josebc

Hello @weseze
Regarding the redirect issue, I'm doing some work here but since there was a lot of functionality in the controller I ended up moving it to a new service.
Please have a look and let me know what you think if you can.

πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan josebc

Qusai Taha is there any particular reason for the redirect instead of throwing a NotFoundHttpException?

πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan josebc

josebc β†’ made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan josebc

Since this issue already exists I will add the changes here, initial PR for an alternative method of loading images similar to what core uses for image styles.
This solution changes the URLs to the physical path of the generated file and falls back to the router using a kernel event listener.

πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan josebc

josebc β†’ made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan josebc

That is a good point, but there will always be a need to reacting to content being sent to trash. Maybe we can implement a new hook/event listener (if it doesn't exist already) that is triggered when an entity is sent to trash, that way developers can choose what to do.

πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan josebc

josebc β†’ created an issue.

πŸ‡―πŸ‡΄Jordan josebc


we are interested in this request and willing to put in the effort needed for the patch, the problem is that I was not able to find a method for tokenization and from the docs it appears that the recurring payments are handled from PayPal's side and not by an external request as is the case with other integrations of payment gateways using commerce recurring module.
Any pointers are appreciated.

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