Account created on 9 April 2011, almost 14 years ago

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Thank you! Testing it right now and will report on anything i may find!

Thank you! Testing it right now and will report on anything i may find!

Today i came accross this:

I was able to uninstall the "Standard" profile, export cofig, and then i was able to do a
drush site:install --existing-config

any movement on this? Would really be helpful to have email notifications

any movement on this? it would be great to have this feature enabled or this module integrated with ECA for more power handling

After creating a custom block, the permission appears on the page admin/people/permissions/module/block_permissions and also i am able to save other permissions without problem.

My friend @danherrero pointed this out:
In the BlockPermissionsPermissions class in the module there's a permissions() function that loops through all the block definitions and adds a permission for each definition. Since the block_content definition doesn't exist until there are custom blocks we run into that error.

in case anybody else stumbles here.


You would have to update your load.environment.php file as follows (


use Dotenv\Dotenv;

 * Load any .env file. See /.env.example.
 * Drupal has no official method for loading environment variables and uses
 * getenv() in some places.
$dotenv = Dotenv::createUnsafeImmutable(__DIR__);

i got the same error after upgrading that package over 2.x and this code fixed it

Thanks a lot @mikeluts for the time and thorough reply! I did not think of using null_coalesce
I did lots of trial and error till i reached my end solution and stuck with that as it did get the job done fine at the moment.

I did end up solving my issue by updating the mapping to return an array as well and used extraxt to get either value

      plugin: default_value
      source: field_wms_bg_image
      default_value: para_cta
      plugin: static_map
      source: '@pseudo_test_img_source'
      default_value: 'para_cta_img'
      plugin: extract
        - 0
  type: '@pseudo_bundle'

Still wonder if static_map should get altered -_-

Thank you @sl27257. the regex pattern in #16 helped me identify all the occurrences in no time

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