Account created on 14 January 2011, almost 14 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

#94 is not fixed, I'm logged in and when opening the page https://new.drupal.org/user
i get redirect after a few seconds to https://new.drupal.org/home

On big screen, the website is too big, it is disproportionate.
I need to zoom out to 60% to have something more pleasant.

But thanks for the improvement of the Design, it is more modern and playful.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Can confirm too, i use patch #45 and it use my status-message template.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

I have update the code to check at the beginning on the config "active_on" if it's active or not.

Then with latest release 1.16, a new function "autosave_form_entity_insert" have the same problem as the update.

I added the same code at the beginning of both update and insert function to avoid running delete query on unable entities.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

I get the status message problem from https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3396318 🐛 AJAX MessageCommand markup and styling differs from Theme default Needs work and just try this MR.
It doesn't fix the issue, it still using block--system-messages-block.html.twig

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Fix looks similar to https://www.drupal.org/node/3351670 but with less changes and less CS fix.
Would rather use the patch on the other ticket.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

FYI: we have decide to uninstall this module and use the patch that bring the same functionality but directly in Drupal core: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3274635#comment-15507417 [upstream] Use CKEditor 5's native and UX Needs work

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

The problem, after applying the patch, is in the file config/schema/ckeditor_liststyle.schema.yml
it is not having the correct configuration.

Here the patch updated, and the diff.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Getting this error also with Drupal 10.2.4, ckeditor_liststyle 1.5.0 + this patch #18
And the CKEditor textarea is empty.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Test the patch, and the excerpt is now actually better than with the previous patch.

Great work @drunken-monkey

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Same problem for me, it is because of the re-save of the entity in the group module.
See this ticket: https://www.drupal.org/project/group/issues/2872697 🐛 Node update hook is triggered upon group content create Needs work

But when using the patch in the other ticket + content moderation, then the revisions are messed up.

For now, i have let the multiple revision be create and add a function that remove duplicate revisions created at the same time, to keep only 1 revision. It's sad to come at this point but i didn't find a proper fix for this problem.

Seems like group will not remove the re-saved entity code.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Trying the patch for Drupal 10 in comment #64 and when creating a new media, the revision user is now correctly set.

But when editing the same media with another user, the revision is still set to the owner user id and not the user that is editing the media.

In media_form_alter, i have to manually set it to finally have the current user in the revision log.

  $media_entity = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity();
🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

This problem is appearing when the filter "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" is not enable.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Tomefa changed the visibility of the branch 3383187-unexpected-error-with to active.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Tomefa changed the visibility of the branch 3383187-unexpected-error-with to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

#2 solved the issue only for PhpWkhtmlToPdf
where #5 solved it for both PhpWkhtmlToPdf and DomPdf

#5 should be used in preference of #2

With so many people using the patch, i will set the ticket to reviewed.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Patch is not apply with latest version 4.6.0

Attached re-roll patch for this version.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Patch is not applying anymore on dev branch.

Probably because of latest merge on dev.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

On Drupal 10.1 and entity_print 2.13 i have the same error during configuration import.

This patch solve the issue and i can now import my configuration without problem.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Can confirm that the patch in #10 fix this issue by adding back drupal/hal module as a dependency.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

I have the same problem as the original description of the ticket:

I have a content type that doesn't have any text fields itself, only Paragraphs fields that in turn do have text fields with WYSIWYG support required. All that paragraphs are collapsed (closed in Paragraphs terms) or non-existent on a node edit page initially, so I have to click "add" or "edit" to bring up the paragraphs create/edit form.

The problem is no editor is loaded at this point so all the text fields are just normal html textareas. Everything works fine If there's a wysiwyg enabled field in the "host" content type.

I'm not sure if it's an Editor issue or a Paragraphs one.

This problem only appear when using Paragraph in combinaison with a Drupal contrib module that have implement a CKEditor5 plugins, for example with https://www.drupal.org/project/editor_advanced_link version 2.2.4

When adding a new text paragraph, this error appear in the JS Console:

Failed to load editorAdvancedLink - EditorAdvancedLink ckeditor5.js:188:15
CKEditorError: plugincollection-plugin-not-found {"plugin":null}
Read more: https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/support/error-codes.html#error-plugincollection-plugin-not-found

I imagine that the problem come from the CKEditor5 plugin that is not correctly built but this problem only appear with Paragraph. May be during the Ajax call, some loader are missing due to CKEditor lazy builders.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Patch file attached for people that use fontawesome 5 with latest drupal/fontawesome version.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

When switching to Drupal 10 and theme_switcher 2.0.1. All the admin pages where now using the front theme.
Even if my URL path where only 3 specific admin pages and not all of them.

I switch it back from 'or' to 'and' and this solve the issue. So now the rules from version 1 are working identical with version 2.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Actually, i was using the module Group outsider in that decorate the group_permission.checker with the problematic "group_permission.chain_calculator" service.

With group 2.x, this extra module is not anymore necessary (see ticket https://www.drupal.org/project/group/issues/2884662 ).

Solution was to uninstall this extra module in a hook update, and now with this patch, it is working as expected.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

@it-cru: checked the file and it's group 2.0.1 that i used.
But still the same error message, the problem appear on drush cr also. Probably the database have still the information of the old entries for this services and cannot be update.

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Test the patch also and the drush updb work as expected to the end.
But still when accessing the Website or running drush cr, this error appear:

The service "group_permission.checker" has a dependency on a non-existent service "group_permission.chain_calculator". Did you mean one of these: "flexible_permissions.chain_calculator", "group_permission.hash_generator", "group_permission.calculator", "group_permission.individual_calculator", "group_permission.synchronized_calculator"?

🇩🇪Germany Tomefa Dresden

Duplicate from: https://www.drupal.org/project/paragraphs/issues/3350521 🐛 Paragraph with long label name gets cut off Closed: duplicate

where a fix is already post.

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