Hi there, I presented this module in my organization and has been suggested not to use given it uses nodes and not media. What would be great is to have the ability to have the media. Maybe we can work on it and see. But then would be great to choose on Node OR Media...Maybe somehow it would be best to reorganize architecture of module to have a core to set the API connection, and two submodules for node and media.
What's your opinion?
abelcain → created an issue.
Hi dear abshishek →
I have tested and now the message has dissapeared. Thanks a lot for the patch.
I set as tested by community.
abelcain → created an issue.
I'll do it during the first part of the week to provide a new patch and solution.
I've installed the module and it's working as a charm. The config is there, no error of phpunit now.
One question Joseph Olstad, one thing I had missed: If not bad understood, having the schema should make that the conf would appear in the configuration translation page, ain't it? I installed module several times, but it's not appearing there...What may be missing?
Uploading the patch to use until fixing code at MR.
abelcain → created an issue.
It would be good if the MR gets checked and merged, and a new release of module is done soon with this and other issues.
We provide a patch based on the MR5 above mentioned.
A Merge request (MR5) has been added, please do the review and after corrections, we can create an stable patch and ask the maintainer to review and merge if all is ok for him.
The problem is at class ViewsJsonQuery at function parse().
When processing first takes the filter information with
$filter_group = $view->display_handler->getOption('filter_groups');
Which renders this information:
And all the processing is using the first group's data, in my case the 'AND':
$group_conditional_operator = $filter_group['groups'][1] ?? "AND";
The problem is that the process is prepared for 1 group only then, and when more than one group is present the 'AND' is maintained (in our case).
We checked with this:
$filter_handlers = $view->getHandlers('filter');
\Drupal::messenger()->addMessage(time() . " Filter hanlers : " . "-" . rand() . json_encode($filter_handlers));
That we have same information than the current process is using BUT it has a variable called 'group' so we can then get the data of each group and get the corresponding data. We're working on a patch to fix this issue and will provide it here soon.
There's a problem with the porting of this module to D9, at class ViewsJsonFilter the $operators are declared, and had been changed from previous version of
https://www.drupal.org/project/views_json_query/releases/7.x-1.0 →
So now, when reaching class ViewsJsonQuery, and processing each row, a call is made to function ops(). In this function are the same 6 elements as per D7 module, but is not including the following: 'word', 'allwords', 'startswith', 'not_starts', 'ends', 'not_ends', 'not' and 'regular_expression'...
For us, when using that options we have a WSOD with message: "TypeError: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, no array or string given in call_user_func_array() (line 322 of .../web/modules/contrib/views_json_source/src/Plugin/views/query/ViewsJsonQuery.php)."
We went then for the use of the grouping filters but we have the issue reported by the colleague in this issue. The AND/OR management at parse() function in class ViewsJsonQuery is not working for us, so we will work on this also...maybe we can deliver a patch here. As soon we get to any conclussion, we'll add an update here.
For us is failing at version 10.1.2. We attach a patch based upon the solution at the MR#4
How to reproduce
In our case the issue gets reproduced:
- We install module views_bulk_edit
- Go to content view
- Add field "Content: Node operations bulk form" in the view
- Enable operation "Edit content"
- Go to Content types
- In any content type add a field of type 'Text (plain)' and enable 'Unique' feature
- Create several nodes of the content type that has that field marked as unique
- Go to Content view
- Select 2-3 nodes, select operation 'Edit content' and click on 'Apply to selected items'
- Select any field and change its value
- Click on 'Confirm' button and the error will reproduce
At this point, going to Reports > Recent log pages will show the error described by @selvira in this ticket's summary.
Patch testing
When adding the patch to the composer.json and re-running composer install will make the patch being applied. Repeat the steps mentioned above and the issue is not happening.
abelcain → created an issue.
Please, review the code and check it in several drupal versions to see if all works ok, many thanks in advance.
Dear @sahil.goyal,
I did a review of phpcs and phpmd in the issue https://www.drupal.org/project/taxonomy_delete/issues/3341043 📌 Port to Drupal 10 Needs review
If you agree, we can focus on that review, I can give you contribution to the commits of phpmd and phpcs. Just help me review that ticket and move forward so we have module ported to D10 and with correction of standards.
If it's ok to you, we can close this ticket as duplicated, and you can get the Port to D10 issue to review it.
Kind regards
Abel S.
Testing of patch #2
The patch works as intended, when the user now tries to submit the form, the error message "Vocabularies field is required." is shown.
Please, create a MR so we can merge this code into 8.x-1.x branch.
Assigning issue to check the patch.
Dear @rinku-jacob-13,
I reviewed the MR to use README.md instead of a text file. If you have permissions, proceed to merge the code into 8.1-1.x branch. Is ok.
Kind regards
abelcain → created an issue.
Assing ticket to me to review.
abelcain → created an issue.
abelcain → created an issue.
Steps to check D10 compatibility
Follow steps:
- Install upgrade status with: "composer require 'drupal/upgrade_status:^4.0@alpha'"
- Enable module with: "./vendor/bin/drush en upgrade_status"
- Perform analysis with: "./vendor/bin/drush upgrade_status:analyze taxonomy_delete"
Compatibility analysis
The results of the analysis
FILE: web/modules/contrib/taxonomy_delete/src/Form/TaxonomyDeleteUIForm.php
Fix now 27 Call to deprecated function taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names().
Deprecated in drupal:9.3.0 and is removed from
drupal:10.0.0. Use
FILE: web/modules/contrib/taxonomy_delete/taxonomy_delete.info.yml
Check manually 0 Value of core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 is not
compatible with the next major version of Drupal core. See
abelcain → created an issue.