- Issue created by @anjaliprasannan
- Merge request !39Geofield icon added for add field form field type. → (Merged) created by Unnamed author
- 🇮🇳India anjaliprasannan
I have used the country-con from https://uxwing.com/country-icon/
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom dunx
I raised this issue against Drupal CMS 📌 Create unique Address and Geofield field type icons for better UX Active as Geofield is one of only two field types that does not have its own icon within the new field UI. As this impacts the initial Drupal CMS user experience it would be great to have this fixed before the launch of Drupal CMS is 5 days :)
I will try and test this patch today.
- First commit to issue fork.
- 🇮🇹Italy itamair
Ok thanks ... I just provided a new commit with the attached more appropriate Geofield Icon, better matching its Project Browser correspondent.
Merging MR !39 and deploying a new Geofield 8.x-1.63 release with this.
itamair →
committed cbfe9979 on 8.x-1.x authored by
anjaliprasannan →
Issue #3498685 by anjaliprasannan, itamair, hetal.solanki, dunx: Create...
itamair →
committed cbfe9979 on 8.x-1.x authored by
anjaliprasannan →
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom dunx
I just tested this.
- Fresh install of current D11.
- Applied that patch via https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/geofield-3498685.git
- Clock the "+ Create new field" on any content type.
The new icons appears as it should (in orange). [I've just tested the Address icon patch too (in yellow).]
Both of these contrib modules are part of Drupal CMS, which I why I'm keen to get both icons in place before the launch next week :). Thanks.
- 🇮🇹Italy itamair
Hey guys here ... I have received some direct email claiming for credits on this,
but at the moment the Drupal Crediting system is a bit weird and not efficient.
I mentioned all of you in this merge commit: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/geofield/-/commit/cbfe9979bbe62379a7a...BUT it seems Credits are only given the first time the issue is marked as Fixed, and the contributors names are checked ...
and if they don't, may be the credits are not really assigned in this weird system.Sorry. May be I missed that ... then I retried doing that (set bak to Needs Work and then again into Fixed, having the contributors checked) but may be second time we do it doesn't apply anymore.
I DON'T KNOW what is not working in the Drupal.org Crediting system ... or why it is so unreliable.
Sorry if someone wasn't credited for all this.
But I cannot do more than this ... (and I have a lot of other stuff to stay after, and not really for free). - 🇩🇰Denmark ressa Copenhagen
Hey @itamair, it worked well, and everyone was given credit, as far as I can tell. From down below:
Credit given to itamair, anjaliprasannan at QED42, dunx at Zoocha, hetal.solanki at cmsMinds
For example under @dunx profile, you can see this
Geofield issues credited to dunx
◀︎ Back to dunx’s profile
Create unique Geofield field type icon for better UX ✨ Create unique Geofield field type icon for better UX Active updated 48 min 23 sec agohttps://www.drupal.org/u/dunx/issue-credits/1087170 →
You can always check the credit process on https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/issues/issue-procedures-and-etiquett... →
Giving credit: Check and uncheck the names of users listed in the table, depending on whether they contributed to moving the issue towards resolution. The credits will appear on the user and organization profiles when the issue status is changed to Fixed, or when it automatically changes to Closed (fixed)
So, credit added after setting to Fixed ("forgotten credits") -- for example by checking all four checkboxes and simply updating the issue, those credits would have been added when the issue changed to "Closed (Fixed)". OR -- as you did, changed status, credited everyone, and then set back to "Fixed". Then the credit was granted immediately:
It's very sad that automatic crediting to issue contributors was disabled due to abuse ... so we need to navigate around it. Also, user names mentioned in Git commit issues are only for the Gitlab logs .. nothing else:
Gitlab commit message generator: The commit message is not used for credit attribution, it's all done via the above table. Use the checkboxes and Commit message field to generate a suggested commit message for the issue.