- Issue created by @deepakkm
- Merge request !102#3497555: The image in the Media entity edit form loading Widen embed code instead of local version → (Open) created by deepakkm
- First commit to issue fork.
The image in the Media entity edit form loading Widen embed code instead of local version
Reset workspace in IDE / remove the project folder
acli new >> 0
cd project
./vendor/bin/acms acms:install
choose any starterkit acquia_cms_enterprise_low_code / acquia_cms_community
composer update <== just to ensure I have the latest
composer require 'drupal/acquia_dam:^1.1@beta’
enable the submodules (two)
confiugure DAM module: Domain: laser.widencollective.com
Note that Media type Acquia DAM Image defaults to “Download and sync assets"
Updating the config for core view display mode for Acquia dam image fixes the issue
Needs work