- Issue created by @pameeela
- 🇨🇭Switzerland berdir Switzerland
Note: As commented in the Drupal CMS issue, there is the order of execution problem to consider. This is about a recipe setting config and I think also providing the default content. config is set first, so /home doesn't yet exist as an alias in that scenario and can't be resolved.
Also note that config save event happens after config has already been saved in \Drupal\Core\Config\Config::save. I'm not aware of a use case where we alter config in that event, usually we just trigger something else. This would need to resave that config again. Not sure if that's really a good idea.
- 🇦🇺Australia pameeela
This issue directly conflicts with 🐛 Updating page.front Active which is trying to do away with this behaviour altogether. I'm going to close this since the other issue has much more activity, and we've got a workaround in Drupal CMS.