Bad usage of the PHP hash_equals function

Created on 3 December 2024, 18 days ago

After discussing this with the security team, I'm publicly reposting the following issue :


The core of drupal is using the PHP function hash_equals in multiple places.
The way this function is used does not always respect the api contract of the function
We can take Drupal\user\Controller\UserController::validatePathParameters() as an example :

protected function validatePathParameters(UserInterface $user, int $timestamp, string $hash, int $timeout = 0): bool {
    $current = \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime();
    $timeout_valid = ((!empty($timeout) && $current - $timestamp < $timeout) || empty($timeout));
    return ($timestamp >= $user->getLastLoginTime()) && $timestamp <= $current && $timeout_valid && hash_equals($hash, user_pass_rehash($user, $timestamp));
  1. The length of the 2 parameters must be the same, otherwise the function return immediatly. In my example, the lengths are not check to be the same which can allow an attacker to determine the lenght of the known string by checking the timing of the comparaison => this is not really an issue since Drupal is open source and the length are known
  2. I am less sure about this one after checking the C implementation of PHP ( and : if we read the doc (, it is important to supply the known string first. In my example (and in multiple other places), the known string is supplied as the second argument

I known this is a very remote security issue. But since the goal of using hash_equals() is to mitigate timing attacks, I think we can pursue every little details.


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🇨🇭Switzerland epieddy

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