Attendees: Jürgen Haas (jurgenhaas(, Nico Grienauer (grienauer), Laurens Van Damme (l_vandamme), Kai Gertz (kgertz), Richard Papp (boromino), Ralf Koller (rkoller)
deadline merge request this week for recipes. (still possible to add changes)
Advanced Privacy Recipe will not happen for 1.0
Global info: Multilingual is postponed, so tour will also not happen
question is still: how to handle documentation
on / drupal cms (where to add infos “what to do after installation (change content/write privacy page etc.”
current Klaro a11y Problem:
Update and adjust the Klaro stylingActive needs to be fixed before drupal cms 1.x
Action items:
Nico: Klaro issue about default content. location based default content.
Nico: privacy issue JF meeting
Jürgen: Analytics and Privacy clarification (no consent window VS. google tag manager is activated on the page, which needs a consent window!
Ralf: Tour default content (brainstorm)
Nico, Ralf: Meeting about default Klaro Design
Jürgen: pings Mike Herschel to look into Klaro a11y issue to ask for feedback