- Issue created by @joshahubbers
- Merge request !104Issue #3488388: Type error when installing the storybook module → (Open) created by joshahubbers
The module throws a type error in a construct method when installing and enabling on a site that uses the storybook module. The error message is the following:
TypeError: Drupal\pwa\Form\ManifestConfigurationForm::__construct(): Argument #8 ($fileUrlGenerator) must be of type Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGenerator, Drupal\storybook\FileUrlGenerator given, called in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/pwa/src/Form/ManifestConfigurationForm.php on line 158 in Drupal\pwa\Form\ManifestConfigurationForm->__construct() (line 114 of modules/contrib/pwa/src/Form/ManifestConfigurationForm.php).
Install and enable the storybook module with the pwa module enabled and navigate to the settings page for PWA (/admin/config/services/pwa/manifest).
Use the FileUrlGeneratorInterface type instead of FileUrlGenerator type for the method argument that throws the error.
Type error when installing the storybook module