- Issue created by @Steven Snedker
- 🇮🇳India rushiraval
Thank you for applying!
Please read Review process for security advisory coverage: What to expect → for more details and Security advisory coverage application checklist → to understand what reviewers look for. Tips for ensuring a smooth review → gives some hints for a smoother review.
The important notes are the following.
- If you have not done it yet, you should enable GitLab CI for the project and fix the PHP_CodeSniffer errors/warnings it reports.
- For the time this application is open, only your commits are allowed.
- The purpose of this application is giving you a new drupal.org role that allows you to opt projects into security advisory coverage, either projects you already created, or projects you will create. The project status will not be changed by this application; once this application is closed, you will be able to change the project status from Not covered to Opt into security advisory coverage. This is possible only 14 days after the project is created.
Keep in mind that once the project is opted into security advisory coverage, only Security Team members may change coverage. - Only the person who created the application will get the permission to opt projects into security advisory coverage. No other person will get the same permission from the same application; that applies also to co-maintainers/maintainers of the project used for the application.
- We only accept an application per user. If you change your mind about the project to use for this application, or it is necessary to use a different project for the application, please update the issue summary with the link to the correct project and the issue title with the project name and the branch to review.
To the reviewers
Please read How to review security advisory coverage applications → , Application workflow → , What to cover in an application review → , and Tools to use for reviews → .
The important notes are the following.
- It is preferable to wait for a project moderator before posting the first comment on newly created applications. Project moderators will do some preliminary checks that are necessary before any change on the project files is suggested.
- Reviewers should show the output of a CLI tool → only once per application.
- It may be best to have the applicant fix things before further review.
For new reviewers, I would also suggest to first read In which way the issue queue for coverage applications is different from other project queues → .
- 🇮🇳India vishal.kadam Mumbai
1. Fix phpcs issues.
phpcs --standard=Drupal,DrupalPractice --extensions=php,module,inc,install,test,profile,theme,css,info,txt,md,yml entityqueue_buttons/ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/entityqueue_buttons.info.yml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 1 ERROR AND 1 WARNING AFFECTING 2 LINES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | WARNING | [ ] Remove "version" from the info file, it will be added by drupal.org packaging automatically 10 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/entityqueue_buttons.routing.yml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/entityqueue_buttons.permissions.yml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/entityqueue_buttons.module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 7 ERRORS AFFECTING 5 LINES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | ERROR | [x] Missing file doc comment 6 | ERROR | [x] Use statements should be sorted alphabetically. The first wrong one is Drupal\Core\Link. 26 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 70 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 77 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found 77 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 77 | ERROR | [x] Closing brace indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 7 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/entityqueue_buttons.libraries.yml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/README.md ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 1 ERROR AND 4 WARNINGS AFFECTING 4 LINES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 | WARNING | [ ] Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 108 characters 10 | WARNING | [ ] Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 125 characters 11 | WARNING | [ ] Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 151 characters 12 | WARNING | [ ] Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 169 characters 12 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/entityqueue_buttons.links.menu.yml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/entityqueue_buttons.services.yml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 1 ERROR AFFECTING 1 LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 1 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/src/EntityQueueButtonsManager.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 8 ERRORS AND 1 WARNING AFFECTING 8 LINES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 | ERROR | [x] Use statements should be sorted alphabetically. The first wrong one is Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface. 77 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 83 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found 102 | WARNING | [ ] \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead 126 | ERROR | [ ] The array declaration extends to column 81 (the limit is 80). The array content should be split up over multiple lines 207 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 213 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 275 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found 275 | ERROR | [x] The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 7 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/src/Form/EntityQueueButtonsSettingsForm.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 6 ERRORS AFFECTING 5 LINES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 | ERROR | [x] Use statements should be sorted alphabetically. The first wrong one is Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface. 66 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 69 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 72 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 121 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found 121 | ERROR | [x] The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 6 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/src/Controller/EntityQueueButtonsController.php ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 8 ERRORS AND 1 WARNING AFFECTING 8 LINES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 | ERROR | [x] Use statements should be sorted alphabetically. The first wrong one is Drupal\Core\Ajax\MessageCommand. 85 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 106 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 109 | WARNING | [ ] Exceptions should not be translated 112 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 126 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 133 | ERROR | [x] Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, or closing parentheses 154 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found 154 | ERROR | [x] The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 8 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE: entityqueue_buttons/CHANGELOG.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 0 ERRORS AND 8 WARNINGS AFFECTING 8 LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 | WARNING | Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 257 characters 11 | WARNING | Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 165 characters 14 | WARNING | Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 310 characters 15 | WARNING | Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 342 characters 16 | WARNING | Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 92 characters 17 | WARNING | Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 220 characters 18 | WARNING | Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 116 characters 19 | WARNING | Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 85 characters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE: entityqueue_buttons/css/entityqueue-buttons.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOUND 18 ERRORS AFFECTING 17 LINES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 3 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 4 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 5 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 6 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 8 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 9 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 10 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 12 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 13 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 14 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 16 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 17 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 18 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 20 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 21 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 2 spaces, found 4 22 | ERROR | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected 0 spaces, found 2 22 | ERROR | [x] Expected 1 newline at end of file; 0 found ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHPCBF CAN FIX THE 18 MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please follow the content and formatting described in README.md template → .
Remove README.txt file since README.md file is present.
- 🇮🇳India vishal.kadam Mumbai
Remember to change status, when the project is ready to be reviewed. In this queue, projects are only reviewed when the status is Needs review.
- 🇮🇳India vishal.kadam Mumbai
Replace README.txt with README.md and follow the content and formatting described in README.md template → .
- 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹
I am not sure we can accept a module written by an AI, for which the applicant did not use any Drupal knowledge.
I didn't think for a second! (a pleasant part of the process/experiment) I used _no_ Drupal knowledge.
I copied, pasted, tested and fed Claude the combined 7 error messages I got in total before the module worked perfectly (I think). Claude is amazing!
How much did Claude make? 13 files! 730 lines of code, js, css, twig, service, manger and yaml! - 🇩🇰Denmark Steven Snedker
@vishal.kadam: It was a one-minute job with Claude "Turn this into a correctly formatted Drupal module README.md file, render it as markdown: [readme.txt]". And it just works.
@avpaderno I too had my doubts about modules written by AI. So I asked an adult for guidance.
She said (paraphrased): If it works and isn't riddled with back doors, go for it. I see a bright future for Drupal with more and better features made significantly faster than in the old days.
Does it work? Yes.
Is it riddled with back doors? No.
I have it running in production.
I vouch for the quality. But that's not very interesting yet, as I'm a small fry in the middle of a Drupal.org security advisory coverage application. Although, I have been publishing working modules on Drupal.org since 2006 → . I will admit to possessing an adequate amount of Drupal knowledge.
Smart programmers will use Drush, IDE extensions and LLMs to get the work done fast and well.
- 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹
The purpose of these applications is reviewing code to see what the applicant understands about writing secure code which follows the Drupal coding standards and correctly uses the Drupal API. With code written by an AI, that is not possible.
A security advisory coverage application requires quality code, not code whose quality is lower than the quality of code somebody would use on a site.
Most importantly, it requires code written by a person. We already rejected theme code written by a tool (whose name I forgot). - 🇩🇰Denmark Steven Snedker
That's a rejection then.
I accept that.
My guess is, that you'll gradually change your mind on the "Modules should work AND be solely written by a person".
Not much skin off my back.
Here's the breakdown from my work log:
1 hour: have Claude make a very useful module and test it
1 hour: try to get better and more obvious maintainers to make or adopt it.
2 hours: security applications and related discussions.
6 hours: make (to us: very limited value) phpcs, phpcbd work company wide.
2 hours: git workDisregarding the community is by far the path of least resistance.
Making your own great modules locally may be the future for Drupal.