Hi and thank you very much for this wonderful module!
I was looking for the combination of checkbox and sortable widget for a long time, but have to admit, I never found this module. Same for my team-mates.
I think the reason is, that the current module name is fine as machine name, but not what people search for, e.g.
BTW I also googled for something like this and couldn't find it. Finally I was able to find it using https://www.drupal.org/project/project_module → filter with many different keywords tried.
I'd like to propose renaming the module page title from Options table to (at least) Options table widget but I think it would be better to use Options table - Sortable Checkboxes / Tablesort Widget
So we'd still keep the machine name first as clear name, but add the important context, so people can find it more easily.