Weekly Meeting Minutes (17th Sep. 2024)

Created on 30 September 2024, 3 months ago

Attendees: Jürgen Haas (jurgenhaas), Laurens Van Damme (l_vandamme), Nico (Grienauer), Kai Gertz (kgertz), Richard Papp (boromino)


  • what happened
    • Jürgen did some interviews (Annertech, Morpht, Catalyst) around.
      • all liked the ideas to have high level gdpr
      • providing informations would already be a success
      • feedback: selling would be easier, governments are asking for it, (encryption of data is also important) track feature list is
  • look into feature list -> https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal_cms/issues/3467855

    • Audit module:

      • we can hook on the dashboard module
      • mvp: more feature later
      • audit module
      • question: default content (multi language) in recipes?
      • Idea: for a check if there is a gdpr content page -> editor could select/define the URL where the page lives to “validate”, that it was done.
      • checks hardcoded in the module?
      • e.g. recipe for “consent management module” will enable that part of the audit module?
      • ownership of “checks” should be in the module itself… Audit Module “consumes” the check outcome.
    • split feature list in 4 sub features

      • prioritize it!
    • Audit module and gdpr consent recipe has prio1
    • don’t forget, that the aim is to serve users and not developers. so we should also talk about “cookies” even if it is consent and services
    • question: how can we identify which data is encrypted? -> extension of field api to mark field as “private” or need to be “encrypted”. more ideas/discussion needed

Action items

  • [ ] everyone mentioned in our last meeting minute issue https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal_cms/issues/3474879 🌱 Weekly Meeting Minutes (10th Sep. 2024) Needs review
  • [ ] split feature list in 4 sub features
  • [ ] Jürgen: starts with the audit module
  • [ ] @Laurens looks into “consent recipe”
  • [ ] Jürgen re organizes feature list
🌱 Plan

Needs review


Track: Privacy

Created by

🇦🇹Austria Grienauer Vienna

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