[meta] 1.0.0-beta criteria

Created on 29 August 2024, 4 months ago


Opening this to document the criteria for a beta release. Once we reach a beta we want a stable API as much as possible, and should avoid schema changes (or provide upgrade paths for them if possible).

Per 📌 [meta] Ecosystem modules Active the plan is for the LMS project to provide only the central building blocks for an LMS, with a pool of ecosystem modules for additional functionality.

There are various Opigno modules we have no intention to port at all, because they can be implemented via well supported general-purpose contrib modules and/or config.

This means the goal of the LMS project + ecosystem modules is only to provide functionality that is LMS-specific (course and lesson creation, progress, scoring, activity types).

Eventually it might be nice to provide an LMS recipe that brings together LMS + ecosystem + other modules and recipes to provide more of an out of the box experience, but that can and should only be done when there's a core API and features to build from.

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

Remaining tasks


📌 Add additional activity types Active - it would be good to add 'slide' and probably one of the more complex ones like H5P. We can add further activity types during beta though.

Should also decide what we want to do about notifications.

API/schema stabilisation

We should make a decision on these and get them closed either way prior to beta:
📌 Consider saving mandatory setting in lesson status Active
📌 Consider removing LessonStatusAccessControlHandler Active
🐛 Clarify published status on activities Active
📌 Implement answer access Active
📌 Clean up evaluatedOnSave() vs needsManualEvaluation Active

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

📌 Task






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🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

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