- Issue created by @erwindaez
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Yeah that makes sense, showing the results and checking the status. Could someone please prepare a proper MR?
- First commit to issue fork.
- Assigned to jagraj_singh_gill
- Merge request !323470852 : Add Status Message after Bulk Editing Contents → (Open) created by jagraj_singh_gill
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Needs review
6 months ago 11:11am 4 September 2024 - 🇮🇳India jagraj_singh_gill
I have created the MR for this. I have applied the success/failure messages by checking the number of successful and failed entities. And also applied the logger for failed entities. Please review once.
Thank You !! - 🇵ðŸ‡Philippines papaaldrin
It's working properly on my end and here is the screenshot. (This is my first contribution.)
- 🇵ðŸ‡Philippines papaaldrin
Unfortunately, I see that the PHPUnit is failing. I will look into it to make it work.
- 🇫🇮Finland sonyavpaa
Created a bit shorter version of the original MR, adds a status message after editing
- Status changed to RTBC
6 months ago 4:05pm 6 September 2024 - 🇵ðŸ‡Philippines roberttabigue
I installed and enabled the Views Bulk Edit module against 8.x-2.x-dev on my D10 site, and confirmed the Status message is now working after applying MR!33.
Please see the attached file for reference.
I'm moving this now to ‘RTBC’.
Thank you!
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Thanks. I think we should improve the wording a bit. Any native EN speaker here?
I'd vote for something like
Successfully modified %total_count entities
. Any similar string in core?
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Thank you! Sadly both MR's still have failing tests and we should add tests for the new message to appear, please.
- 🇮🇳India chhavi.sharma
Working on the code style and trying to make pipeline green.
- 🇮🇳India chhavi.sharma
Hi @anybody,
Fixed all the phpcs issues and made phpcs pass. But still there is phpunit failing. I have no prior experience of writing tests. Therefore, unassigning myself from the issue. - Status changed to Needs work
3 months ago 3:46am 11 December 2024 I am currently working on this at DrupalCon SG 2024 until the end of the day.
- First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !413470852 : Add Status Message after Bulk Editing Contents → (Merged) created by UsingSession
- 🇺🇦Ukraine UsingSession
I fixed the test, but I made a mistake with the branch name (Sorry about that).
anybody →
committed 4d2735f1 on 3.x authored by
usingsession →
Issue #3470852 by sonyavpaa, usingsession, anybody, jagraj_singh_gill:...
anybody →
committed 4d2735f1 on 3.x authored by
usingsession →
- 🇮🇳India chhavi.sharma
Hi @anybody,
I noticed that a new MR was generated for this issue which includes the changes I did in MR 33 previously. While I appreciate the progress that the issue has been fixed, I’d like to kindly request due credit for my contribution to this issue as it motivates me to continue contributing to Drupal.
Looking forward to your response! - 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
@chhavi.sharma yes of course, sorry!
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.