🇫🇮Finland @sonyavpaa

Account created on 10 November 2023, 8 months ago

Recent comments

🇫🇮Finland sonyavpaa

Implemented patch #2 and works great with latest Paragraphs 1.17 & Drupal core 10.2.7!

🇫🇮Finland sonyavpaa

I've applied the shared patch, #31 paragraph-order-label.patch, on Drupal core 10.2.6 with custom theme that is using Olivero as base theme.
The patch was applied successfully and I can confirm the the Order label is gone. Thank you!

🇫🇮Finland sonyavpaa

Patch #9 tested with core D10.0 and it works for version 2.0.0!

NB! Like and Dislike requires Voting API module, for which accessCheck() needs to be D10 onwards explicitly set: working patch for that can be found here -> https://www.drupal.org/project/votingapi/issues/3388873 🐛 D10 onwards not calling accessCheck() is deprecated and must be explicitly set. Closed: works as designed

🇫🇮Finland sonyavpaa

Updating instructions for setting up environment using DDEV.

🇫🇮Finland sonyavpaa

Updating instructions for setting up environment using DDEV.

Production build 0.69.0 2024