- Issue created by @frankADsystopia.de
- 🇨🇦Canada Liam Morland Ontario, CA 🇨🇦
Note that this does not happen on Postgres; it works as expected.
- 🇯🇵Japan kensuke.kondo
I faced a similar problem when searching for the word '退会'. (It means 'unsubscribe' in Japanese.)
My environment is as follows.Modules
drupal/core-recommended 10.3.2
drupal/webform 6.2.7DB
- 5.7.29 on local
- 5.7.40-log on acquia - 🇯🇵Japan kensuke.kondo
This filter returns a webform that contains permissions for the retrieved user name or user role ID.
In WebformEntityListBuilder, `$this->getEntityStorage('user_role')->load($keys)` returns error when $keys contains non-ASCII characters.
https://git.drupalcode.org/project/webform/-/blob/6.3.x/src/WebformEntit...It is possible to handle this error in the Webform module, but it seems to me that an Issue could be created as a Drupal core issue.
I would like to hear your opinions. - 🇯🇵Japan kensuke.kondo
Sorry, An issue with the same content had already been created.
https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3415478 🐛 \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user_role')->load() can't load non-english string Closed: won't fix
- 🇨🇦Canada Liam Morland Ontario, CA 🇨🇦
@kensuke.kondo are you saying that this issue would be resolved by fixing the core issue 🐛 \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user_role')->load() can't load non-english string Closed: won't fix ?
Config entity names cannot be non-ASCII so there is no way to search for the cited strings. For Webform, if this UI is searching some entity metadata (like Title), that, I think is fine, but these non-ASCII chars must be ignored when searching config entity names (aka machine names). So, maybe this specific Webform tool is fixable.
- Status changed to Closed: duplicate
5 months ago 11:18am 19 September 2024 - 🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!
here's a solution to the underlying problem
https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3475540 📌 Throw an understandable exception when there is an attempt to load config entities with disallowed characters Needs work