Add ComponentAuditabilityTest

Created on 26 July 2024, 8 months ago
Updated 18 September 2024, 6 months ago


Part of config management is auditability, as well as exportability etc. That's what 🌱 [META] Configuration management: define needed config entity types Active is for.

🛑 Blocked on 📌 Auto-create/update Component config entities for all discovered SDCs that meet XB's minimum criteria Fixed .

✅ Unblocked by 📌 Introduce `hook_storable_prop_shape_alter()`, use it to prefer the Media Library widget for "image" PropShape if Media Library is installed Fixed .

📌 Support complex SDC prop shapes: introduce (Storable)PropShape to compute field type storage settings Fixed enabled 📌 Auto-create/update Component config entities for all discovered SDCs that meet XB's minimum criteria Fixed to happen.

Together, the expected behavior is:

  1. installing a module should result in new Component config entities, hence allowing you to audit the addition of components, and exactly what field type + storage settings + widget they use
  2. vice versa for uninstalling a module (assuming that the component is unused by XB, otherwise uninstallation would fail — see also 📌 Component config entity should validate that the SDC actually (still) exists Active ), allowing auditing of removal of components
  3. overall: the full tree of dependencies on modules + themes + config is observable by looking at these YAML files!

But, that comes with a downside too:

  1. whichever the field type + storage settings + widget at the time of auto-generating the Component config entity, will remain unchanged even when the logic changes (see 📌 [PP-1] Introduce `FieldTypeStorageForJsonSchemaDefinition` plugin type Postponed )
  2. newly discovered SDCs will get the new field type + storage settings + widget for a given prop shape, but previously discovered ones will continue to get the original field type + storage settings + widget

👆 Solving this is out of scope here.

Proposed resolution

  1. Explicit test coverage for this auditability

User interface changes

📌 Task



Config management

Created by

🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

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