[META] 7. Content type templates — aka "default layouts" — clarify the tree+props data model

Created on 19 June 2024, 8 months ago


One of the product requirements is 7. Content type templates:

As a builder, I want to create and modify content type templates for how content of a specific content type will be displayed. I want to be able to create multiple templates for a given content type (view mode). Within the template, I want to add components that may or may not map to fields in the content type.

This is too high-level to implement.

We've gone ahead in the 0.x branch with @effulgentsia's JSON-based data storage proposal for component-based page building Active "JSON storage with tree and props stored separately" approach, which definitely allows for the above, but there's many aspects undefined.

Let's define them.

Steps to reproduce


Proposed resolution

Clarify the precise interpretation of this requirement and capture it as a architecture decision record ( 📌 Record Architecture Decisions — to scale to many people + many timezones Fixed ), because it deeply impacts both technical architecture and UX.

In the discussions we had about that requirement, plus subsequent discussions, this is what I understand to be the more precise interpretation of that user story:

  1. the first content type template ("default layout") for a bundle MUST be for the default view mode
  2. there MAY be one content type template per view mode (default/full/teaser/search/…)
  3. any change to a content type template MUST propagate to all entities of that content type (entity bundle)
  4. the UX for defining a content type template MUST have affordances to indicate to the Site Builder persona: A) which parts will be editable by the Content Creator persona (i.e. "unlocked"), B) that this is a template, not a concrete entity, C) which fields in the content type (i.e. FieldConfigs) do not yet have a representation in the
    • 👆 For A): in a content type template, it's possible to mark slots as "unlocked", meaning the Content Creator can add additional components to it (later also with restrictions, see 17. Restrict nested components)
    • 👆 For A): in a content type template, it's possible to mark component subtrees as "unlocked", meaning the Content Creator can change that component subtree (later also with restrictions, see 17. Restrict nested components)
  5. when creating content entities of that content type (entity bundle), the Content Creator sees:
    • the element/component library appears in the left sidebar — if there's >=1 unlocked slot/component subtree
    • the static prop values in the right sidebar, to edit them — if a placed component is selected on the canvas with >=1 unlocked static prop
    • the dynamic prop values in the right sidebar (aka the content type's FieldConfig fields)

(The exact UX is out of scope here — this is only capturing what must be possible to do/not do, restrict/not restrict, inherit/override, etc.)

Creative freedom 🆚 design consistency

Consequence/purpose: the ability to lock/unlock slots and component subtrees allows the Site Builder to define the creative freedom of the Content Creator on a per-content type basis, which is another way of saying: controlling how rigid/consistent/enforced the layouts are.

Remaining tasks

Discuss the above, and answer the open questions below:

Open questions

  1. @lauriii indicated in that discussion that creating a content type template should not be a required step. How is that possible? Does that mean starting out with an full-creative-freedom canvas?
  2. When there's multiple entity view displays (i.e. for multiple view modes) that use XB (so not just XB for default and no XB for teaser), how do per-entity overrides or additions work? Because an unlocked slot may not exist in all entity view displays, nor may an unlocked component subtree.

Related: @catch in #3440578-57: JSON-based data storage proposal for component-based page building and other comments in that issue.

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Data model

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🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

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  • Issue created by @wim leers
  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    One possible implementation

    Here's a possible implementation:

    enum CreativeFreedom {
      case Locked; // SB allows CC to change nothing.
      case LockedTreeUnlockedStaticProps; // SB allows CC to change nothing about layout, nor prop sources, but does allow changing the StaticPropSources' values.
      case LockedTreeUnlockedProps; // SB allows CC to change nothing about layout, but does allow changing prop sources, but does allow changing the StaticPropSources' values.
      case Unlocked; // SB allows CC to change anything.

    👆 I'm not saying I think this is a good idea. This is more on the extreme end of granularity of control.

    The freedom available to the Content Creator (CC) persona when creating an article node will then depend on the freedom configured by the Site Builder (SB) persona:

    1. Least CC freedom: SB defines the component tree for all article nodes, with all component props being sourced from "dynamic" prop sources (i.e. fields on the host entity type). Zero overrides allowed for individual article nodes: not for component tree nor for props values.

      Result: all articles look exactly the same but with different values; CCs can only specify values for fields on article nodes (title/body field/image field/tags field), they are not even allowed to override component props values statically assigned at the article node type level.

      (IOW: the tree XB field property is empty for all article nodes, as is the props XB field property, because literally everything is defined at the article content type level — similar to Drupal core's existing EntityViewDisplay functionality.)

      XB field configuration for article nodes using CreativeFreedom::Locked:

      tree: [{"uuid":"something7d","type":"provider:sdc-name"}, …]
      props: {"something7d":{"image":{"sourceType":"dynamic","expression":"ℹ︎␜entity:node:article␝field_image␞0␟value"},"text":{"sourceType":"static:field_item:string","value":"Hello, world!","expression":"ℹ︎string␟value"}}, …}
        tree: NONE
        props: NONE

      XB field values for article 42:

      tree: null
      props: null
    2. Little CC freedom: SB defines the component tree for all article nodes, no overrides allowed for individual article nodes. Result: all articles look exactly the same but with different values; CCs can only specify static props values, with even restrictions on those. (IOW: tree XB field property is empty for all article nodes, props XB field property is maybe non-empty.)

      XB field configuration for article nodes using CreativeFreedom::LockedTreeUnlockedStaticProps:

      tree: [{"uuid":"something7d","type":"provider:sdc-name"}, …]
      props: {"something7d":{"image":{"sourceType":"dynamic","expression":"ℹ︎␜entity:node:article␝field_image␞0␟value"},"text":{"sourceType":"static:field_item:string","value":"Hello, world!","expression":"ℹ︎string␟value"}}, …}
        tree: NONE
        props: STATIC-ONLY

      XB field values for article 42:

      tree: null
      props: {"something7d":{"text":{"sourceType":"static:field_item:string","value":"Hello, world!","expression":"ℹ︎string␟value"}}, …}
    3. Zero layout freedom, full content freedomStaticPropSources — they can even change the default prop source from StaticPropSource to DynamicPropSource.

      XB field configuration for article nodes using CreativeFreedom::LockedTreeUnlockedProps:

      tree: [{"uuid":"something7d","type":"provider:sdc-name"}, …]
      props: {"something7d":{"image":{"sourceType":"dynamic","expression":"ℹ︎␜entity:node:article␝field_image␞0␟value"},"text":{"sourceType":"static:field_item:string","value":"Hello, world!","expression":"ℹ︎string␟value"}}, …}
        tree: NONE
        props: FULL

      XB field values for article 42:

      tree: null
      props: {"something7d":{"text":{"sourceType":"dynamic""expression":"ℹ︎␜entity:node:article␝title␞␟value}}, …}
    4. Some CC freedom: SB defines the component tree for all article nodes, and designates which subtrees can be modified by CCs (this could be only slots). Result: all articles look largely the same; CCs have some layout choices.

      XB field configuration for article nodes using CreativeFreedom::LockedTreeUnlockedStaticProps:

      tree: [{"uuid":"something7d","type":"provider:sdc-name"}, …]
      props: {"something7d":{"image":{"sourceType":"dynamic","expression":"ℹ︎␜entity:node:article␝field_image␞0␟value"},"text":{"sourceType":"static:field_item:string","value":"Hello, world!","expression":"ℹ︎string␟value"}}, …}
        tree: FULL
        props: FULL # implied

      XB field values for article 42:

      tree: [{"uuid":"SOMETHING-ELSE","type":"provider:sdc-name"}, …]
      props: {"SOMETHING-ELSE": …}
    5. Most CC freedom: SB defines no component tree for all article nodes, and allows everything to be modified by CCs.

      XB field configuration for article nodes:

      tree: []
      props: {}
        tree: FULL # implied
        props: FULL # implied

    … and it's possible to think of in-between states too.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺
  • 🇺🇸United States bnjmnm Ann Arbor, MI
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom f.mazeikis Brighton
  • 🇺🇸United States tedbow Ithaca, NY, USA
  • 🇺🇸United States tim.plunkett Philadelphia
  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    Crediting the people that helped craft the bulleted list above ~2 months ago.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    Note: the current implementation reality for "content type templates" is captured at https://git.drupalcode.org/project/experience_builder/-/blob/0338812d1d7...— the DefaultTree in there is the imperfect representation of how it works in today's PoC in the 0.x branch: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/experience_builder/-/blob/0338812d1d7...

    👉 there's zero integration yet with EntityViewDisplay: there's only a default value on the XB field for a bundle, and that just happens to be the sole default layout/content type template: no such thing as a content type template per view mode yet.

    IOW: this issue blocks 🌱 [META] Configuration management: define needed config entity types Active , because we need to get more clarity first on how to support per-view mode content type templates. Until there is clarity here, XB will stick to a single default layout/content type template, rather than one per view mode.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    Created MR to provide an updated diagram that matches the current issue summary's interpretation of the product requirements.

    The outcomes of this issue must be captured both in the diagram and in an ADR.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    Last but not least: conveying in the issue title that this is NOT something we're IMPLEMENTING during this phase of development, per 🌱 Milestone 0.1.0: Experience Builder Demo Active .

    Not marking because while we're not implementing it, we should be discussing/refining it to reach a conclusion! 🤓

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺
  • 🇦🇺Australia acbramley

    This is great, thank you so much Wim. I've read through all notes so far and it's cleared up quite a few questions I had.

    On the note of CC freedom, I think one thing that would be ideal (and I'm pretty sure is covered but there is a bit of nuance) is having the ability to be able to configure the amount of freedom per region per layout per bundle. As in at level in bold, as a site builder, I want to be able to configure the "freedom" of the CC.

    This is essentially what Layout builder restrictions (and lock I believe) modules allow you to do. I know those layers are named differently I'm XB but I believe there's a similar concept (although XB allows more nesting).

    Ideally, also, let's try and make the UI for configuring this good for the site builder 😅

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    For A): in a content type template, it's possible to mark slots as "unlocked", meaning the Content Creator can add additional components to it (later also with restrictions, see 17. Restrict nested components)

    I think I understand this - say an article with author, submitted, main image, standfirst, at the top, but then arbitrary amounts of text and/or images and/or sidebars underneath, and then maybe with a templated related articles + social sharing block at the bottom too.

    👆 For A): in a content type template, it's possible to mark component subtrees as "unlocked", meaning the Content Creator can change that component subtree (later also with restrictions, see 17. Restrict nested components)

    But I don't understand what this is at all. Is it possible to add a concrete use case?

    C) which fields in the content type (i.e. FieldConfigs) do not yet have a representation in the

    Assuming we do Add the notion of a 'configured layout builder block' to solve a number of content-editor and performance pain points Active (and then whatever the SDC version of that might end up being), this could happen when you select which field is used in a field block (or which prop after selecting a component), so we don't have a list of possibly useless fields like revision log messages in the sidebar.

    the static prop values in the right sidebar, to edit them — if a placed component is selected on the canvas with >=1 unlocked static prop

    Why is this necessary vs. a default value for a field? I can see a use-case for non-editable arbitrary content in a bundle layout, views, but also maybe a heading or something, but once that becomes editable, how is it different from a field value?

    @lauriii indicated in that discussion that creating a content type template should not be a required step. How is that possible? Does that mean starting out with an full-creative-freedom canvas?

    If components are defined by bundle, then I could see it being a blank sheet template where everything is done per-entity - i.e. a 100% override all the time. But this would mean that content editing would have to be done in layout builder/XB - if you only filled out field values (UI or API), nothing would show up at all then. I think this is a valid use case for a 'landing page' bundle where the overall structure is completely arbitrary even if common components are used within that.

  • Issue was unassigned.
  • 🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

    I recorded a video with my thinking around this, approaching it from a slightly different angle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0LWqoqFmBY. I'm walking through two diagrams on that video; one for data sources + design system and one for breaking down a content type.

    On the note of CC freedom, I think one thing that would be ideal (and I'm pretty sure is covered but there is a bit of nuance) is having the ability to be able to configure the amount of freedom per region per layout per bundle. As in at level in bold, as a site builder, I want to be able to configure the "freedom" of the CC.

    If I understand this correctly, instead of configuring which components are available for a bundle, you'd like to configure slot restrictions for a specific component within a specific bundle. Do you have specific example scenarios where this is needed that you could walk us through?

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺


    per region per layout per bundle


    Ideally, also, let's try and make the UI for configuring this good for the site builder 😅

    💯 — without that, XB falls apart!


    But I don't understand what this is at all. Is it possible to add a concrete use case?

    Essentially this is a more complex variant of unlocked slots (which you mentioned above). I'm not at all certain it is a good idea! It was discussed at some point (maybe even just at DrupalCon — I do not recall). It kind of falls under the caveat I wrote in #2.

    I personally suspect this would make the Content Creator UX too complex.

    Concrete use case: take your example. Let's assume that they've got this default layout:

      "<root>": [
        {uuid: <uuid1>, component: "provider:two-col"},
        {uuid: <uuid3-standfirst>, component: "provider:marquee"},
      "<uuid1>": {
        firstColumn: [
          {uuid: <uuid4-author>, component: "provider:person-card"},
          {uuid: <uuid2-submitted>, component: "provider:elegant-date"}
        secondColumn: [
          {uuid: <uuid5-main-image>, component: "provider:image-hero"}

    IOW: a two-col at the top, with a marquee containing the standfirst below. The two-col contains author + submitted in the first column, the main image in the second column.

    What "unlocked subtrees" is referring to is that you would be able to mark e.g. the subtree below <uuid1> as unlocked, which would allow you to change that component as well as everything inside it.

    […[ so we don't have a list of possibly useless fields like revision log messages in the sidebar.

    (Also fixed an incomplete sentence in the issue summary!)

    Why is this necessary vs. a default value for a field (or a value to use when the field is empty)? […] However that would never, ever make it into entity content - it would appear only in the bundle config.

    Ah, that's where @lauriii's product vision deviates from your assumptions then I think. It's expressly the intent to allow additional unstructured content to be created by the Content Creator per content entity if the creative freedom granted by the Site Builder allows for that. @lauriii's video in #19 should clarify that.

    Once something becomes editable, how is it providing anything genuinely different from what you can (or potentially could) do with a field value?

    I'm not sure I fully understand this question 🤔 But I think you're asking: "if it is edited like a field and kinda stored like a field … why not make it an actual field?" — is that right?

    Assuming that is right: it is an actual field, just one that is not part of the data model, because given 1000 article nodes, in the slot where the Content Creator has the necessary creative freedom, they would be able to place any component, any number of components, and so it would not make sense to pollute the data model with optional fields for all of these.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    I just watched the video in #19 and have two main questions. Most of the locked vs. slots stuff makes loads of sense to me. Not sure I understood the 'default value for a slot' idea before but do now!

    I'm not sure I know what the advanced use cases are that this doesn't cover yet, might be good to explicitly list what those are at some point so the constraints are clear.

    The two things I didn't get:

    1. Maybe it's implicit, but I didn't see a mention of components in templates that are locked but may not have a value. e.g. in the example the image field could be optional, but if it's populated, then the image always gets rendered in the same place. The 'image in slot' concept would allow you to remove the image from there but still add a field value which is either not used, or used in a component added in a slot. But this is different from the image always being in the same place, but maybe not having a value. Optional fields are already supported in layout builder and view mode config. Would be good to clarify that's not going away.

    2. I'm afraid I still don't see the reasoning for 'static props in entity content' in that video, the various paragraph data, accordion etc. could still be stored as multi-value fields on the entity.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    #21.1: +1 — optional fields are not going to go away. But I completely agree that "required vs optional" is something that is absent from the video. IMHO that's tied to 41. Conditional display of components in the requirements — I think that if an optional field (e.g. the image field on article nodes in the Standard install profile) has its value presented by a component, that that component should automatically get a conditional display configured ("only display if this field has a value") and should get a corresponding affordance in the UI.
    I think @lauriii didn't touch on that in the video to keep it focused.

    #21.2: Hm … I was hoping that the video starting at https://youtu.be/l0LWqoqFmBY?si=6dKplDCnX340mnuK&t=422 would clarify this sufficiently, especially combined with the last paragraph of my comment in #20. If that doesn't connect the dots sufficiently, then maybe it'd make sense for you and @lauriii to meet — and maybe an additional video after that meeting, depending on the outcome?

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    #21.2: Hm … I was hoping that the video starting at https://youtu.be/l0LWqoqFmBY?si=6dKplDCnX340mnuK&t=422 would clarify this sufficiently, especially combined with the last paragraph of my comment in #20.
    If the combination of the video + that paragraph doesn't connect the dots sufficiently

    I think I understand why people think it's necessary, but also I think I disagree with it for specific reasons, but I'm not sure I've clarified what those objections are enough (or that it's been lost in the barrage of issues + comments).

    so it would not make sense to pollute the data model with optional fields for all of these.

    possibly sums up the disagreement.

    Let's take an example building on the university degree course content type from the video.

    The university site builder adds a 'Testimonial' component, this has:

    student image
    student name
    student testimonial

    Something like: "Michelle ~ This course gave me a great foundation in computer science and I found a job a month after I received my degree".

    This is not included in the view mode template config at all, it's just one of the options for content editors to use in slots, designed to be interspersed with other elements to break things up.

    At first, this is only designed to be used in the optional slots on the default view mode, but later on, they decide that the listings pages (the teaser/card view in the video) should have a testimonial too.

    If that testimonial component is backed from field data from the beginning, then the site builder can immediately configure the 'teaser/card' view mode XB template (or just regular manage display) and add the first (or random if they want and set it up) delta of testimonials in. It's already to go, the site builder never had to make an up front decision based on what may or may not become a requirement later, or learn the difference between field backed and static components before they could start building their site successfully.

    If it's using 'static props', then it will only exist in the XB field data for the default view mode, and be inaccessible when configuring other view modes.

    They're then left with (at least) three options:

    1. Add another testimonial component, this time field backed, to the content type, and manually or via an update hook, migrate the content from static props to fields.

    2. Some horrible hack where they try to parse out the testimonial from the default view mode xb field content to use on the teaser.

    3. Add a slot to the teaser/card view mode, that allows a testimonial to be added, and duplicate the data manually between the two view modes.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    Two more questions based on the video in #19:

    In the video, there's a component in a slot which uses an entity reference. Is this:

    1. An entity reference + view mode selection - with the specific layout/component coming from the view mode.

    2. An entity reference which is then manually mapped to props on a component selected by the content editor?

    And regardless of the answer to #1 or #2, is the intention to support both?

    With default components in templates (the image in a slot), is the default value always stored with the entity? i.e. if the default was changed from an image to video later, I am assuming that all the existing content that did not customize the slot would still have the image, because it's a default value which then gets saved when the entity is saved. Not sure that's 100% correct interpretation though.

  • 🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

    In the video, there's a component in a slot which uses an entity reference. Is this:

    1. An entity reference + view mode selection - with the specific layout/component coming from the view mode.

    2. An entity reference which is then manually mapped to props on a component selected by the content editor?

    And regardless of the answer to #1 or #2, is the intention to support both?

    The example of content composition I showed, I'd imagine falling under #1. However, we're aiming XB to support both of these.

    With default components in templates (the image in a slot), is the default value always stored with the entity? i.e. if the default was changed from an image to video later, I am assuming that all the existing content that did not customize the slot would still have the image, because it's a default value which then gets saved when the entity is saved. Not sure that's 100% correct interpretation though.

    The default value is stored with the entity, so if the default was changed later, it would remain intact on existing content.

  • 🇦🇺Australia acbramley

    What does this mean? The per-view mode default layout?

    I mean layout plugins, usually defined in our theme (or modules) foo.layouts.yml

    Do you have specific example scenarios where this is needed that you could walk us through?

    Definitely, we use Layout Builder Restrictions on basically every project that uses LB - it's essentially a mandatory module IMO if you're allowing layout overrides.

    One way we use it is something like this:

    Say we have 2 bundles - Basic Page (BP) and Landing Page (LP).

    We have 3 Layouts defined in our theme - Sidebar , Cards, and Edge.
    Sidebar is an 80/20 split layout with regions "main" and "aside"

    Cards is a variable layout that allows some full width content with a variable number of columns of "cards" underneath (see Lee's blog post for more info on this) with regions "intro" and "cards"

    Edge is a full bleed layout that expands across the whole page with only 1 region "main"

    With LB Restrictions I can setup the following config:

    On BP content
    Only allow the Sidebar layout, do not allow Cards or Edge.
    On the Sidebar layout, only allow certain components in the main region and certain components in the aside. E.g I do not want CCs adding my right hand menu to the main region, and I don't want image cards in the aside.

    On LP content
    Allow all layouts
    Apply the same rules as BP content to Sidebar layouts, and maybe allow an additional component (because it should allow different permutations per bundle)
    On Edge layouts only allow a "Hero" component - taking it a step further it could be ideal to restrict this to only a single Hero component and nothing else (this extra bit currently isn't possible with LB restrictions afaik)
    On Cards layouts only allow simple Text components in the Intro region, and Card components in the Cards region.

  • 🇦🇺Australia acbramley

    Forgot to reply to this:

    Essentially this is a more complex variant of unlocked slots (which you mentioned above). I'm not at all certain it is a good idea! It was discussed at some point (maybe even just at DrupalCon — I do not recall). It kind of falls under the " I'm not saying I think this is a good idea. This is more on the extreme end of granularity of control." caveat I wrote in #2.

    Which was a reply to @catch's question about unlocking only certain slots in #18

    As per above in #26 I think this kind of flexibility is a good idea and somewhat required. In my example above we could imagine that on the Basic page maybe the Sidebar region (or slot?) of the 2 col 80/20 layout may be locked. E.g I can imagine a use case where I want CC to be able to edit the main region of that 2 col layout, but I want to lock the sidebar to only ever display the right hand tree navigation component, and nothing else.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    Two further questions on this:

    1. Right now XB only enables one XB field instance per bundle, but if unlocked slots are ever allowed on the non-default view mode, wouldn't it need to be a field-per-view-mode-with-unlocked-slots? Or all view modes stored in one field value with an additional layer of JSON nesting?

    2. Note #3440578-80: JSON-based data storage proposal for component-based page building where I tried to think through 'special' view modes like search (indexing) and newsletter rendering - which usually show nearly the same content as the 'default' view mode but with certain differences like related content blocks or field labels removed. This gets very, very complicated with the current data model and unlocked slots. If we allow unlocked slots in multiple view modes, it could get even more complicated - e.g. say someone makes an unlocked slot in the teaser view mode for an article content type, and you then want that search indexed along with the unblocked 'body' slot on the article view mode.

    I was also unable to find internal search indexing and multi-channel re-use such as e-mail in the product requirements.

  • Assigned to lauriii
  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    @catch in #28:

    1. Quoting the product requirements, emphasis mine:

      As a builder, I want to create and modify content type templates for how content of a specific content type will be displayed. I want to be able to create multiple templates for a given content type (view mode). Within the template, I want to add components that may or may not map to fields in the content type.

      So I think the question is: how do we keep unlocked vs locked slots in sync across the different templates? And if they're not in sync, then the content creator would need to author the same entity's layout/component tree multiple times: once per view mode that uses XB.

    2. Let's first get clarity on the first point, that reduce hypothesizing as we dig into this bit 😅

    I was also unable to find internal search indexing and multi-channel re-use such as e-mail in the product requirements.

    VERY good point 😳😱

    @lauriii: thoughts?

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    I unfortunately thought about search indexing/newsletters several hours after talking to @lauriii about XB at devdays, have opened an explicit issue at 🌱 [META] Support alternative renderings of prop data added for the 'full' view mode such as for search indexing or newsletters Active so it can be tracked in its own right.

    However one thing that came up when we talked is that most of the experience builders don't actually have a concept of view modes at all - you create the data, and then it gets put out as JSON, and then the front end templates just consume the bits of the JSON they need (full, card etc.), but the idea of having separate configurations for different view modes is not really in there. (hopefully this is an accurate summary of what was said).

    So I think the question is: how do we keep unlocked vs locked slots in sync across the different templates?

    I would assume locked is fine, because there is no editing of something that is locked, it's just bundle + view mode level config.

    But yeah once you have unlocked slots in more than one view mode there is a lot to deal with. One way to deal with it would just be to prevent it everywhere except full/default.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    But yeah once you have unlocked slots in more than one view mode there is a lot to deal with. One way to deal with it would just be to prevent it everywhere except full/default.

    Interesting proposal! WDYT, @lauriii?

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺
  • 🇺🇸United States tedbow Ithaca, NY, USA

    I am working on 📌 Tighten validation: only allow StaticPropSource in XB fields + PageTemplate, DynamicPropSource in ContentTypeTemplate Active . Since we are removing dynamic properties we didn't need some of the logic and test coverage we added in 📌 Allow Experience Builder fields to support Asymmetric and Symmetric translations Needs review .

    Basically since you can't display a field like the node title in the XB field it you can't get the wrong translation of the title. You can still have different component properties per language, they will just all be static props

    But this current issue will need some of the logic and test coverage we removed added back. Particulary this https://git.drupalcode.org/project/experience_builder/-/merge_requests/3.... I assuming the same fix will be needed and work but to be sure we will need to update the test coverage we removed in \Drupal\Tests\experience_builder\Functional\TranslationTest in #3481720

    The test/use case won't be exactly the same but basically we will need to test if you use the node title in a component prop in the content type template when view a single node in different languages you see the correct translation of the title

    We will also need to determine if we will support config translation of content type templates. If so that will be another area to test

  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺


  • 🇦🇺Australia larowlan 🇦🇺🏝.au GMT+10

    FWIW @DanielVeza has been working on a LB solution for this at https://www.drupal.org/project/lb_immutable_sections

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