Test Project Browser on Dreamhost

Created on 10 June 2024, 17 days ago
Updated 27 June 2024, about 17 hours ago


We need to make sure Project Browser is working on major hosting providers. This issue is focused on Dreamhost.

Steps to install Project Browser on Dreamhost VPS

These tests were done on a Dreamhost VPS Plan.

Dreamhost does offer shared hosting with "click installs" for Wordpress. At this time Composer is not available to these packages and Dreamhost will recommend the VPS plans.


Steps to install and Test

The steps I used below are specific to my VPS and Home directory on Dreamhost.

  1. Setup a new user on my Dreamhost VPS Basic Plan.
  2. SSH into host with new user account and checked the php verion. It is PHP 8.2.15.
  3. Created a subdomain called https://pbbeta.dreamhosters.com/ and added the new VPS User to it.
  4. Need to set up Composer on the User Account - https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/214899037-Installing-Compos...
  5. I used the install "Install Globally" from the above link.
  6. After the steps above: "[vps47888]$ composer -V - Composer version 2.7.7 2024-06-10 22:11:12". Composer is setup and running.
  7. Added a Mysql Database VIA the VPS control panel. This cannot be done from the new VPS User but only from the main VPS account.
  8. Started the Composer setup using this link (but taking out the DDEV steps at step 5) - https://www.drupal.org/docs/contributed-modules/project-browser/project-... β†’
  9. Had to change to this: 'composer create-project drupal/recommended-project pbbeta_www' and then 'cd pbbeta_www'
  10. Ran these commands: 'composer require drush/drush' and then "composer require 'drupal/project_browser:1.0.x-dev'"
  11. Had to change the minium stability to beta: "composer config minimum-stability beta"
  12. Added this module: "composer require 'drupal/automatic_updates:^3'"
  13. With the main VPS user I had to change the Website path to: pbbeta_www/web (Under Additional Settings in the Domain under Manage Websites). The path will be this: /home/drupal_projects/pbbeta_www/web
  14. Install Drupal through the web browser as normal.
  15. Use the steps from here starting at step 11: https://www.drupal.org/docs/contributed-modules/project-browser/project-... β†’
  16. "When logged in as admin (which you should be on completion of installation), select β€œExtend” from top menu bar."
  17. "Use filter box to find 'Package Manager', select it, and click 'Install'. Note you may get a warning about available updates. You can ignore this."
  18. "Use filter box to find 'Project Browser', select it, click 'Install'. Install the main Project Browser module. You can ignore 'Project Browser Devel' and 'Project Browser Source Example'.
  19. "Select 'Configuration' from the top menu bar. Then, find the Development section and click on 'Project Browser' under this." - /admin/config/development/project_browser
  20. "On the Project Browser settings, the first option will be 'Allow installing via UI (Experimental)''. Tick the checkbox to enable. Click on 'Save configuration'"
  21. "Select 'Extend' from the top menu bar. Then click 'Browse' on the submenu under 'Extend'" /admin/modules/browse
  22. Did not see the install button but got a warning "Unable to download modules via the UI: The composer executable cannot be found. Make sure it's installed and in the $PATH The composer executable cannot be found. Make sure it's installed and in the $PATH See the help page for information on how to resolve the problem." - /admin/help/package_manager#package-manager-composer-related-faq
  23. Needed to add composer to the config: "drush config:set package_manager.settings executables.composer /home/drupal_projects/.php/composer/composer"
  24. The above did not work as Drush was not added to the .bash_profile file. You can access it here: /home/drupal_projects/pbbeta_www/vendor/bin/drush"
  25. "/home/drupal_projects/pbbeta_www/vendor/bin/drush" was added to the .bash_profile and you can access Drush now after you log out of the shell and back in.
  26. Reran this command "drush config:set package_manager.settings executables.composer /home/drupal_projects/.php/composer/composer" and cleared Drupal caches.
  27. Refreshed this page "/admin/modules/browse" and success. Saw the "Add and Install" buttons. I added the Path Auto and Admin Tool Bar modules.
  28. Then went to /admin/modules to see if both modules were there and installed. I test the modules out and they were functioning.
  29. I did a further check on the composer.json file and both modules were added.

The summary from above is that Composer and Drush just need to be running correctly. The Dreamhost VPS is capable or running the Project Browser Module.

Proposed resolution

  1. Write Drupal install notes above
  2. Go through Drupal install
  3. Enable and test Project Browser
  4. Make sure to actually install a few modules
  5. Note any extra steps to make it work
  6. Note any problems
  7. Make follow up issues as needed
πŸ“Œ Task

Needs work





Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

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