- Issue created by @loze
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
10 months ago 1:30pm 7 May 2024 - 🇺🇸United States robphillips
What does your configuration look like? I'll need more information to be able to assist you.
- 🇺🇸United States loze Los Angeles
Here is my config
_config_id: node.type.test uuid: d0b797fb-8d88-4d1a-8f4b-47a26f109d1c langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - menu_ui - node_form_overrides third_party_settings: menu_ui: available_menus: - main parent: 'main:' node_form_overrides: insert_button: Save update_button: Update insert_title: 'Add new [node:content-type:name]' update_title: 'Edit this [node:content-type:name]' delete_form_title: 'Are you sure you want to delete this [node:content-type:name]?' delete_form_description: 'This action cannot be undone.' name: Test type: test description: '' help: '' new_revision: true preview_mode: 1 display_submitted: true _config_id: core.entity_form_display.node.test.default uuid: bab49af5-943a-4742-a90a-f1474a1f5709 langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.field.node.test.field_images2 - node.type.test module: - content_moderation - extra_field_description - file_uploader_uppy - hide_revision_field - path - publication_date - text id: node.test.default targetEntityType: node bundle: test mode: default content: created: type: datetime_timestamp weight: 10 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } field_images2: type: file_uploader_uppy weight: 122 region: content settings: options: instance: autoProceed: false plugin: showProgressDetails: false hideCancelButton: false hideProgressAfterFinish: false singleFileFullScreen: true disableStatusBar: false disableInformer: false disableThumbnailGenerator: false waitForThumbnailsBeforeUpload: false thumbnailWidth: 200 enableImageEditor: false autoOpenFileEditor: false imageEditor: actions: { } thumbnailHeight: 200 theme: light uploader: method: xhr progress_indicator: throbber third_party_settings: extra_field_description: extra_description: '' moderation_state: type: moderation_state_default weight: 100 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } path: type: path weight: 30 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } promote: type: boolean_checkbox weight: 15 region: content settings: display_label: true third_party_settings: { } published_at: type: publication_date_timestamp weight: 10 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } revision_log: type: hide_revision_field_log_widget weight: 80 region: content settings: rows: 5 placeholder: '' show: true default: '' permission_based: false allow_user_settings: true hide_revision: false third_party_settings: { } status: type: boolean_checkbox weight: 120 region: content settings: display_label: true third_party_settings: { } sticky: type: boolean_checkbox weight: 16 region: content settings: display_label: true third_party_settings: { } title: type: string_textfield weight: -5 region: content settings: size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } uid: type: entity_reference_autocomplete weight: 5 region: content settings: match_operator: CONTAINS match_limit: 10 size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } url_redirects: weight: 50 region: content settings: { } third_party_settings: { } hidden: { } _config_id: field.storage.node.field_images2 uuid: e69f741f-fd96-466c-a962-a4d0ce11d38e langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - field_permissions - file - image - node third_party_settings: field_permissions: permission_type: public id: node.field_images2 field_name: field_images2 entity_type: node type: image settings: target_type: file display_field: false display_default: false uri_scheme: public default_image: uuid: '' alt: '' title: '' width: null height: null module: image locked: false cardinality: -1 translatable: true indexes: { } persist_with_no_fields: false custom_storage: false _config_id: field.field.node.test.field_images2 uuid: f152d738-0f04-41bb-a823-15e5c0284314 langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_images2 - node.type.test module: - image id: node.test.field_images2 field_name: field_images2 entity_type: node bundle: test label: Images2 description: '' required: false translatable: false default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:file' handler_settings: { } file_directory: '[date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m]' file_extensions: 'png gif jpg jpeg webp' max_filesize: '' max_resolution: '' min_resolution: '' alt_field: true alt_field_required: false title_field: true title_field_required: false default_image: uuid: '' alt: '' title: '' width: null height: null field_type: image
- 🇺🇸United States robphillips
Could you also provide the Drupal version, module version, and specify any other file related installed modules.
- 🇮🇹Italy kopeboy Milan
I got the same error with a fresh drupal 10.3 install on which I only changed the cardinality of the default image field (on the node article) to unlimited.
- Status changed to Closed: duplicate
7 months ago 3:38pm 1 August 2024