- Issue created by @Grevil
- 🇩🇪Germany Grevil
Accidentally pushed to dev: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drowl_media/-/commit/8dae942319347b72...
Still getting weird test failures:
There was 1 error: 1) Drupal\Tests\drowl_media_types\Functional\DrowlMediaTypesGenericTest::testModuleGenericIssues Drupal\Core\Config\UnmetDependenciesException: Configuration objects provided by <em class="placeholder">drowl_media_types</em> have unmet dependencies: <em class="placeholder">core.entity_view_display.media.document.lightbox (core.base_field_override.media.document.created, core.base_field_override.media.document.name), core.entity_view_display.media.slide.default (responsive_image.styles.page_width), core.entity_view_display.media.slide.viewport_width (responsive_image.styles.viewport_width)</em>
any ideas?
We should probably make all responsive_image.styles.x configurations optional, or remove them if possible. This is a huge rabbit hole we should not go down in this module.
Responsive image styles can be project-specific, they depend on a set of breakpoints (provided by modules or themes, in our case the drowl_base theme) and many image caches.
So adding all this as configuration to DROWL Media will bloat its configuration a lot.
So, I'd vote to ignore this, remove the affected configuration and let the responsive image formatter use its default/fallback value.
Maybe we can add an entry to the status page or a message to dblog, if no responsive image format is configured.But I think a simple hint on the module page will do the job.
Of course, the affected field can't be locked, as the user needs to be able to configure it.
- Assigned to Anybody
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Thanks, I'll think about that and we'll discuss this tomorrow.
The config will never affect our Vorlage copies, as the module will always be installed already, so it might be the most simple way to put some castrated responsive image styles in by default... we'll see and should use the most simple way so that tests run and it's as close to our cases as possible.
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
@Grevil: Could you push tests here, so I can see the results? Alternatively, we can walk through it together quickly.
- Status changed to Needs review
11 months ago 7:57am 27 March 2024 - Assigned to Grevil
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
@Grevil: Well, but I still can't find any tests results in GitLab?
But let's just fix this locally on your device then.
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Closed: outdated
10 months ago 2:49pm 24 April 2024 - 🇩🇪Germany Grevil
Yea, forgot to add the gitlab-ci.yml. Tests should run now.