Plan for 8.0.0-alpha release

Created on 12 March 2024, 12 months ago
Updated 5 July 2024, 8 months ago

General todo tasks

- We should communicate this also in 🌱 [Meta] Roadmap for a stable release with security coverage Active and 🌱 Project roadmap Active
- We should 📌 Update the project page Active
- We should explain the reasoning for breaking changes from 8.x-7.x and put them in 8.0.x release notes
- We should explain the differences and use cases for Elasticsearch, Opensearch and Solr Drupal modules.
- On 8.0.x release notes, we should highlight the breaking changes but also tell all the benefits for upgrading the module ("Improved logging options", "Automated tests", "Elasticsearch 8 support", "Views integration" etc.)

Issues blocking a release

- 📌 WSOD if search_api 1.35 is installed Fixed
- 📌 Figure out why test results differ from search_api_opensearch Needs review
- 📌 Logging should be configurable Fixed
- 📌 Upgrade path from 8.x-7.x branch Active

Issues that would be nice-to-have for a release (but aren't technically a blocker)

- 📌 Add index to AlterSettingsEvent for backward compatibility Fixed
- 📌 The whole index gets cleared when any change in the search index configuration is imported Active
- Support Aliases API and zero downtime mapping updates Active
- 📌 Increase PHPstan level to 2 Needs review

Issues that can be done after a release

- 📌 Investigate need of matthiasnoback/phpunit-asynchronicity to replace sleep() in tests Active

🌱 Plan






Created by

🇫🇮Finland sokru

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Production build 0.71.5 2024