- Issue created by @pilot3
- Merge request !21Add phpstan.neon file and fix phpstan invalid type error. β (Closed) created by pilot3
- First commit to issue fork.
- π©πͺGermany Anybody Porta Westfalica
@pilot3 phpstan is still unhappy, would you like to fix that?
ote: Using configuration file /builds/project/restrict_ip/web/modules/custom/restrict_ip/phpstan.neon. ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Line src/Service/RestrictIpService.php ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 114 Parameter $ip2CountryLookupService of method Drupal\restrict_ip\Service\RestrictIpService::__construct() has invalid type Drupal\ip2country\Ip2CountryLookup. 514 Parameter $ip2CountryLookup of method Drupal\restrict_ip\Service\RestrictIpService::setIp2Country() has invalid type Drupal\ip2country\Ip2CountryLookup. ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Line tests/src/Unit/Service/RestrictIpServiceTest.php ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 @dataProvider pathInAllowedPathsDataProvider related method must be static in PHPUnit 10 and newer. 179 @dataProvider whitelistDataProvider related method must be static in PHPUnit 10 and newer. 222 @dataProvider blacklistDataProvider related method must be static in PHPUnit 10 and newer. 267 @dataProvider whitelistedIpAddressesTestDataProvider related method must be static in PHPUnit 10 and newer. 319 @dataProvider settingsIpAddressesDataProvider related method must be static in PHPUnit 10 and newer. 362 @dataProvider cleanIpAddressInputDataProvider related method must be static in PHPUnit 10 and newer. ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ERROR] Found 8 errors
- πΊπΈUnited States smustgrave
Fixing pipeline over on π Update pipeline for 5.0.x Active