It seems like the nightwatch component of our testing hasn't gotten much/any love since it was introduced around 2018.
At the moment the most telling signs (at least for me) seem:
- The version of nightwatch trailing behind the latest, whilst other components are updated regularly.
- Nightwatch test that throws errors (for an uncertain period of time) but green-all-tests-OK in the overview (waves at Tests/ckEditor5CodeSyntaxTest.js
and a consistent Error while running .setElementValue() protocol action: element not interactable
- No artifacts saved on GitLab runs, where Drupal CI does have artifacts.
Let's make an (final?) effort to bring nightwatch testing up-to-speed, or decide it's not useful for us and drop it.
Let's also fix the child issues _first_ before upgrading the latest nightwatch version, otherwise we're just shifting the problems, not solving them.
11.0 🔥