Deprecations "subsystem" and maintainers

Created on 8 November 2023, over 1 year ago

What is the problem to solve?

Providing a "subsystem" with maintainers for introduced deprecations.

Who is this for?

Drupal core developers

Result: what will be the outcome?

Catalyst: 📌 Triggering deprecations for plugins using annotations when core plugin type has been converted to attributes Needs work

Drupal has adopted phpstan-drupal and drupal-rector as official tools the community maintains for handling and fixing deprecations. However, often, Drupal core makes changes faster than the tooling can support.

I am proposing a new subsystem with its maintainers to help handle this problem and create a gate. This had been discussed before, such as adding checkboxes to CRs requiring issues for phpstan-drupal and drupal-rector.

Regarding a responsibility assignment matrix, the deprecations subsystem maintainers would be Consulted and Informed. They would provide domain knowledge if PHPStan can detect an implemented deprecation or if phpstan-drupal requires a new Rule or other changes. Then, a proper issue can be opened for the project—the same for the scope of impact on drupal-rector for an issue to handle automated fixes.

I am proposing Björn Brala (bbrala) and myself for this. Currently, we're using this repo to automate the import of change records to track work needed for phpstan-drupal and drupal-rector

This subsystem would make it an official process and add a sign-off gate for new deprecations. Each Driesnote discusses the ease of upgrading Drupal with automatic fixes. This adds procedures and policies in place to ensure this is true.

One concern is blocking innovation on approval from these subsystem maintainers, especially if it's only two people to start. This would be streamlined once phpstan-deprecation-rules ( ✨ Use PHPStan for deprecation checking Active ) is officially adopted. It is already available, and errors are added to the baseline (see If a deprecation is added and PHPStan doesn't fail, the subsystem maintainer must be consulted. For Rector, as drupal-rector grows with more configurable rules, it should scale over time. Deprecations and fixes should be less one-off and more about adding a newly configured rule since most deprecation fixes follow similar patterns.

Only complex deprecations, such as deprecating plugin annotations for attributes, will warrant longer blocking conversations. That's okay because currently, I feel the pain and urgency one it has been committed and phpstan-drupal users are failing to detect the deprecations.

✨ Feature request




Created by

🇺🇸United States mglaman WI, USA

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @mglaman
  • 🇺🇸United States mglaman WI, USA
  • 🇭🇺Hungary Gábor Hojtsy Hungary

    I think this would make total sense. Deprecations are now a super integral part of the core process and upgrades are still a lot of work to support from the tooling side. I don't know if we must have a subsystem to put in a gate, but that would probably be the most sensible approach to it indeed.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    I agree with this except that I don't think deprecations is exactly the right scope. It feels more like developer tooling (which could then also cover gitlab integration which is currently shoved under phpunit and coincidentally bbrala also works on).

  • 🇺🇸United States mglaman WI, USA

    Developer tooling was something I also thought of as well. But I was afraid it would be too broad for the initial discussion. So I agree that's better and gives a bigger purpose

  • 🇺🇸United States xjm

    I think this is more of a topic maintainer role.

  • 🇺🇸United States xjm

    I should have elaborated in my previous comment -- the topic maintainer roles correspond to the Drupal core gates. (Usability, accessibility, documentation, testing, etc.)

    Since we want to add something like an "Upgrade path and automation gate" (better names may exist), it makes sense to create a topic maintainer group for that.

    Retitling the issue and updating the IS accordingly.

  • 🇺🇸United States xjm

    Maybe we could call it simply the "Upgrade topic maintainers" and "Upgrade gate"? The upgrade path itself is a release management focus area, but the improvements to the D9 and D10 upgrade paths would not have been possible without the support of people informally acting as maintainers of these essential tools and processes to date.

    @Gábor Hojtsy is another person who does a lot of work related to the major upgrade path; maybe he should also be in this group?

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    Upgrade topic maintainers

    For me this is tricky because it sounds like it should include database update system et al, which I wouldn't wish on any living human being but is also a very different area.

  • 🇭🇺Hungary Gábor Hojtsy Hungary

    Matt, Björn and myself do a bunch of work in this area, but the technical (API) parts are not my forte, its theirs :) Sounds good IMHO to add as a topic. Hopefully we can find a good name :)

  • 🇭🇺Hungary Gábor Hojtsy Hungary

    I think the responsibilities all evolve around code upgrade tooling and what core changes need to comform to, to make it feasible to build those tools. So "Tooling for code upgrades topic"? I think the naming could be adjusted later, it would be great to establish this in our governance though to embed those working on the tools in the process.

  • 🇺🇸United States nicxvan

    @Gábor Hojtsy Do you mean an outline like in here? →

    Can this start with a tag for issues that introduce deprecations and a process to create an issue in Rector or Drupal PHPStan for follow up?

    From my understanding after discussing briefly there are a few concerns:
    1. Make sure change records have a BC snippet for module maintainers
    2. Ensure that deprecations are properly triggered
    3. Catch runtime deprecations for further review
    4. Ensure that phpstan-drupal and or drupal-rector can fix / catch deprecations

    What about while these details are hashed out we start with a non-blocking tag for `Needs Developer Tooling` or something similar.
    Then once we start tagging issues we can evaluate scope and see what needs to be documented vs addressed before merging.

    I'm not trying to volunteer anyone, I am trying to parse out above, feel free to correct anything I state below.
    And to prevent repeating I'll define the Developer Tooling Team (DTT) as the following people for now.
    Gábor Hojtsy

    Would a responsibilities list look something like this for a first pass?

    TASK: Tagging issues for review by DTT

    • Community
    • Needs Review Issue Queue
    • Committers

    TASK: Triaging tagged issues

    • Developer Tooling Team

    TASK: Creating followup issues in phpstan-drupal and or drupal-rector

    • Community
    • Developer Tooling Team

    Maintaining phpstan-drupal and or drupal-rector

    • Community
    • Developer Tooling Team
  • 🇺🇸United States nicxvan

    As an example I've tagged 📌 Test that all form elements have a title for accessibility Needs work

    That also obviously allows: →

    Then a first step would be to create an issue like this:
    Maybe a template can be put in the project for the details that Matt would like to see.

    For now I would also say only the members of the DTT should remove the tag until we establish guidelines.

  • 🇺🇸United States nicxvan
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom joachim

    We should combine PHPCS with Rector.

    For example, when running the Rector rule to convert annotations to attributes, the resulting PHP attribute is all on one line and the classes aren't imported. That's because Rector can't do class imports (it can only modify the node it found AFAIK) -- I don't know whether we could improve its output to do linebreaks.

    But the resulting code can be improved by then running it throuh PHPCS & PHPCBF. In the case of converting annotations to attributes, the Drupal.Classes.FullyQualifiedNamespace.UseStatementMissing sniff will fix the classes at least.

    So Rector rules should come with a list of the specific PHPCS sniffs that are needed to correctly reformat the fixed code, and our tooling should run Rector AND PHPCBF with those sniffs.

  • 🇺🇸United States nicxvan

    @joachim, thanks for your insight, I think that would be certainly helpful, and I think bbrala has been experimenting with core rewrites.

    I think it's slightly off topic for this thread though as this thread is more about providing support to the team behind rector and phpstan so they can provide insight and be notified of changes that require rector / phpstan updates before they land.

    The current process requires a lot of effort on their part to remain informed and they are always chasing. Ideally we can be more proactive to help with such important tools for keeping contrib up to date.

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands bbrala Netherlands

    Possibly relevant related issue.

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands bbrala Netherlands

    Me, catch, gabor and mglaman just talked about this in Barcelona.

    We considered the different possible names eventually basing is on what would our main goals be.

    The goal of the topic would evolve around developer tooling with the name Developer Tooling. This will manage phpstan and possibly also rector. And in a followup create a gate on making sure that we (will) handle deprecations and other possible updates on that. This could also compose of some work being done in the gitlab side of things for core which is something I've been involved with anyways.

    The consensus we had is that Developement Tooling is the best way to go since that would contain all the right things without suggesting subsystems like database upgrades and such.

    I think comment #13 is pretty good summary on what the initial workflow would look like.

    Gabor, catch, mglaman and me think this is the right way forward.

  • 🇭🇺Hungary Gábor Hojtsy Hungary

    Retitled for that scope then. Should we open an MR in an another issue or conver this to a core issue?

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands bbrala Netherlands
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands bbrala Netherlands
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom catch

    +1 to developer tooling from me.

  • 🇺🇸United States mglaman WI, USA

    +1 for developer tooling.

    For example, I foresee Drupal core starting to retain specific PHPStan rules rather than adding them all only to phpstan-drupal. Or maybe the Rector rules as well. This group can then help manage these related issues.

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands bbrala Netherlands
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