Update composer dependencies for Drupal 10.2

Created on 11 October 2023, about 1 year ago
Updated 3 November 2023, about 1 year ago


We should update our dependencies before Drupal 10.2.0.

I see two possibilities:

- We can get this one in now, and do another update round just before the first 10.2.0(-beta?) release
- We wait until just before the first 10.2.0(-beta?) release, update the updates and get this one in.

I really don't mind either option, this issue was opened now to make sure we don't hit any unexpected surprises (which we shouldn't due to our daily "updated deps" QA run)

Steps to reproduce

$ composer outdated

Proposed resolution

$ composer update --with=phpunit/phpunit:^9

Remaining tasks

📌 [PHPUnit 10.1] assertObject[Not]HasAttribute() is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10 Active

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Release notes snippet

📌 Task





Last updated 14 days ago

No maintainer
Created by

🇳🇱Netherlands spokje

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @spokje
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands spokje
    $ composer-lock-diff --no-links
    | Production Changes               | From    | To      |
    | composer/semver                  | 3.3.2   | 3.4.0   |
    | doctrine/deprecations            | v1.1.1  | 1.1.2   |
    | egulias/email-validator          | 4.0.1   | 4.0.2   |
    | guzzlehttp/guzzle                | 7.7.0   | 7.8.0   |
    | guzzlehttp/promises              | 2.0.0   | 2.0.1   |
    | guzzlehttp/psr7                  | 2.5.0   | 2.6.1   |
    | masterminds/html5                | 2.8.0   | 2.8.1   |
    | psr/http-client                  | 1.0.2   | 1.0.3   |
    | symfony/console                  | v6.3.0  | v6.3.4  |
    | symfony/dependency-injection     | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/error-handler            | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/event-dispatcher         | v6.3.0  | v6.3.2  |
    | symfony/http-foundation          | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/http-kernel              | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/mime                     | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/polyfill-ctype           | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 |
    | symfony/polyfill-iconv           | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 |
    | symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme   | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 |
    | symfony/polyfill-intl-idn        | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 |
    | symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 |
    | symfony/polyfill-mbstring        | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 |
    | symfony/polyfill-php83           | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 |
    | symfony/process                  | v6.3.0  | v6.3.4  |
    | symfony/psr-http-message-bridge  | v2.2.0  | v2.3.1  |
    | symfony/routing                  | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/serializer               | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/string                   | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/validator                | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/var-dumper               | v6.3.0  | v6.3.5  |
    | symfony/var-exporter             | v6.3.0  | v6.3.4  |
    | symfony/yaml                     | v6.3.0  | v6.3.3  |
    | twig/twig                        | v3.6.0  | v3.7.1  |
    | Dev Changes                        | From     | To       |
    | composer/ca-bundle                 | 1.3.6    | 1.3.7    |
    | composer/class-map-generator       | 1.0.0    | 1.1.0    |
    | composer/composer                  | 2.6.4    | 2.6.5    |
    | composer/pcre                      | 3.1.0    | 3.1.1    |
    | drupal/coder                       | 8.3.18   | 8.3.21   |
    | google/protobuf                    | v3.23.3  | v3.24.4  |
    | justinrainbow/json-schema          | 5.2.12   | v5.2.13  |
    | nikic/php-parser                   | v4.15.5  | v4.17.1  |
    | php-http/discovery                 | 1.18.1   | 1.19.1   |
    | phpdocumentor/type-resolver        | 1.7.2    | 1.7.3    |
    | phpstan/phpdoc-parser              | 1.20.4   | 1.24.2   |
    | phpstan/phpstan-phpunit            | 1.3.13   | 1.3.15   |
    | phpunit/php-code-coverage          | 9.2.26   | 9.2.29   |
    | phpunit/phpunit                    | 9.6.8    | 9.6.13   |
    | react/promise                      | v2.10.0  | v3.0.0   |
    | sebastian/global-state             | 5.0.5    | 5.0.6    |
    | seld/signal-handler                | 2.0.1    | 2.0.2    |
    | sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis | v2.11.16 | v2.11.17 |
    | slevomat/coding-standard           | 8.12.1   | 8.14.1   |
    | symfony/browser-kit                | v6.3.0   | v6.3.2   |
    | symfony/css-selector               | v6.3.0   | v6.3.2   |
    | symfony/dom-crawler                | v6.3.0   | v6.3.4   |
    | symfony/filesystem                 | v6.3.0   | v6.3.1   |
    | symfony/finder                     | v6.3.0   | v6.3.5   |
    | symfony/lock                       | v6.3.0   | v6.3.2   |
    | symfony/phpunit-bridge             | v6.3.0   | v6.3.2   |
    | symfony/polyfill-php82             | v1.27.0  | v1.28.0  |
  • 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone

    Thanks for opening this issue.

  • Open on Drupal.org →
    Environment: PHP 8.2 & MySQL 8
  • @spokje opened merge request.
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands spokje

    @quietone: Ah, should have checked, of course you had already admin-ed the BLEEP out of meta-s.

  • Assigned to spokje
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands spokje

    So, minor surprise detected.

    Seems like the "updated deps" QA runs uses composer update --with-all-dependencies --with phpunit/phpunit:$(composer show -i |grep phpunit\/phpunit |awk '{print $2}') --working-dir /var/www/html which will keep phpunit/phpunit at exactly the same version.

    What we're doing (and have been doing) in update issues like these is composer update --with-all-dependencies --with phpunit/phpunit:$(composer show -i |grep phpunit\/phpunit |awk '{ split($2, arr, "."); print arr[1]; }') --working-dir /var/www/html which keeps phpunit/phpunit at the same _major_ version.

  • last update about 1 year ago
    Custom Commands Failed
  • last update about 1 year ago
    30,392 pass
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands spokje

    So it looks like PHPUnit backported the previously 10.1+ methods assertObject[Not]HasProperty to 9.6.

    I'm unsure about 2 things now:

    1) I think we should repurpose 📌 [PHPUnit 10.1] assertObject[Not]HasAttribute() is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 10 Active to update PHPUnit to the latest 9.6 version and use the above method to replace the deprecated ones. Doing this in a separate issue means we can backport this down to core 10.1.x.
    2) We would have caught this a lot earlier if we used #8 in our daily "updated deps" run. Not sure if it's worth opening an issue for that since GitLab has priority. On the other hand: Can't open an issue for GitLab since that doesn't have a "updated deps" run.

  • Issue was unassigned.
  • Status changed to Needs review about 1 year ago
  • Status changed to Needs work about 1 year ago
  • 🇺🇸United States smustgrave

    I like that idea @Spokje of moving the phpunit out to a separate issue. Feel there could be some back n forth for that and no reason to delay the others. Could you revert the phpunit update please.

  • Status changed to Postponed about 1 year ago
  • 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone

    Adding postponed item to remaining tasks per details to include in the 'Remaining tasks'.

  • Status changed to Active about 1 year ago
  • Status changed to Needs review about 1 year ago
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands spokje
    $ composer-lock-diff --no-links
    | Production Changes           | To           | From         |
    | composer/semver              | 3.3.2        | 3.4.0        |
    | doctrine/deprecations        | v1.1.1       | 1.1.2        |
    | egulias/email-validator      | 4.0.1        | 4.0.2        |
    | guzzlehttp/guzzle            | 7.7.0        | 7.8.0        |
    | guzzlehttp/promises          | 2.0.0        | 2.0.1        |
    | guzzlehttp/psr7              | 2.5.0        | 2.6.1        |
    | masterminds/html5            | 2.8.0        | 2.8.1        |
    | psr/http-client              | 1.0.2        | 1.0.3        |
    | symfony/dependency-injection | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/http-foundation      | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/http-kernel          | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/process              | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/routing              | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/serializer           | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/validator            | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/var-dumper           | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/yaml                 | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | twig/twig                    | v3.6.0       | v3.7.1       |
    | Dev Changes                        | To           | From         |
    | composer/ca-bundle                 | 1.3.6        | 1.3.7        |
    | composer/class-map-generator       | 1.0.0        | 1.1.0        |
    | composer/composer                  | 2.6.4        | 2.6.5        |
    | composer/pcre                      | 3.1.0        | 3.1.1        |
    | google/protobuf                    | v3.23.3      | v3.25.0      |
    | justinrainbow/json-schema          | 5.2.12       | v5.2.13      |
    | php-http/discovery                 | 1.18.1       | 1.19.1       |
    | php-http/promise                   | 1.1.0        | 1.2.0        |
    | phpdocumentor/type-resolver        | 1.7.2        | 1.7.3        |
    | phpstan/phpdoc-parser              | 1.20.4       | 1.24.2       |
    | phpstan/phpstan                    | 1.10.38      | 1.10.40      |
    | phpstan/phpstan-phpunit            | 1.3.13       | 1.3.15       |
    | react/promise                      | v2.10.0      | v3.0.0       |
    | seld/signal-handler                | 2.0.1        | 2.0.2        |
    | sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis | v2.11.16     | v2.11.17     |
    | slevomat/coding-standard           | 8.12.1       | 8.14.1       |
    | symfony/dom-crawler                | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/lock                       | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |
    | symfony/phpunit-bridge             | v6.4.0-BETA1 | v6.4.0-BETA2 |

    Got the same results as the MR locally with a $ composer update --with-all-dependencies --with phpunit/phpunit:^9.
    Would RTBC, but messed with this one myself.

  • Status changed to RTBC about 1 year ago
  • 🇺🇸United States smustgrave

    Yay for updates!

  • Status changed to Fixed about 1 year ago
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom alexpott 🇪🇺🌍

    Committed and pushed e24ba3f4484 to 11.x and 441439c6f6a to 10.2.x. Thanks!

    • alexpott committed e24ba3f4 on 11.x
      Issue #3393151 by Spokje, quietone: Update composer dependencies for...
    • alexpott committed 441439c6 on 10.2.x
      Issue #3393151 by Spokje, quietone: Update composer dependencies for...
  • 🇮🇹Italy mondrake 🇮🇹

    mglaman/phpstan-drupal just released 1.2.1.

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

Production build 0.71.5 2024