Field Widget alter hooks cannot modify parent $form

Created on 18 September 2023, over 1 year ago


When processing an element for a Field widget, the widget has the ability to modify the wider form. $form is passed by reference into `formSingleElement` and `form` methods on WidgetBase.

This ability is not extended to to the `field_widget_complete_form` or `field_widget_single_element_form` (and accompanying TYPE hooks) because $form that is added to the provided $context array is not passed by reference:

if ($element) {
      // Allow modules to alter the field widget form element.
      $context = [
        'form' => $form,
        'widget' => $this,
        'items' => $items,
        'delta' => $delta,
        'default' => $this->isDefaultValueWidget($form_state),
      \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter(['field_widget_single_element_form', 'field_widget_single_element_' . $this->getPluginId() . '_form'], $element, $form_state, $context);

This means that any third parth modifications to these widgets that need to add form submit callbacks or #process callback cannot do it.

Seeing as the ability to modify the $form is avalible to the Widget itself and that the alter hooks can modify $form_state already (because of the nature of objects), I would expect the ability to edit $form to be provided to the alter hooks as well.

Steps to reproduce

Add the following alter hook to a module. The form process callback will not be called.

function mymodule_field_widget_single_element_form_alter(&$element, FormStateInterface &$form_state, &$context) {
$form = &$context['form'];
$form['#process'][] = 'mymodule_field_widget_form_process_callback;

function mymodule_field_widget_form_process_callback(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
 // .. do stuff

Proposed resolution

Modify the context arrays to pass $form by reference.

Feature request

Needs work




Last updated 23 minutes ago

Created by

🇬🇧United Kingdom lind101

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  • Needs tests

    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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