Plan for Group 8.x-1.6

Created on 11 August 2023, 11 months ago
Updated 12 September 2023, 10 months ago


The last release of Group 1.5.0 was already a year ago, in the meantime many improvements and compatibility for Drupal 10 and PHP 8.x have been worked out. Here I wanted to summarize issues for a new release with version 1.6, which are important and relevant in my eyes.

In some issues tested patches for Group 1 exist, however the issue is marked as unresolved because some patches for Group 2 & 3 put in there, but they probably have not been tested yet. For the corresponding issues I have noted a tested and working version behind the issue ID.

Proposed resolution

Implement existing patches in a new stable release.



πŸ“Œ Initiative for Group 1.x compatibility under Drupal 10 Fixed
πŸ“Œ 8.x-1.x branch fails testing with PHPUnit 9 due to expectExceptionMessageRegExp() Closed: outdated
πŸ› uasort deprecation in PHP 8 Closed: duplicate

Bug fixing

#2842630: Empty page when trying to create group node β†’ patch 2842630-20.patch
πŸ› Group content entity_id target_bundles setting malformed RTBC
πŸ› Fatal error on view group after upgrade to version 1.4 with workbench_moderation installed RTBC
πŸ› _access tag can leading to fatal error Closed: won't fix patch _access_tag_error-3232105-2.patch
πŸ› Drupal\group\Plugin\GroupContentEnablerBase::createAccess() must implement interface Drupal\group\Entity\GroupInterface, null give Closed: works as designed patch group-entity_create_access_missing_group_context-3104345-13.patch
✨ Node previews don't work when adding group node Needs review patch 2853001-21.patch
πŸ› Node update hook is triggered upon group content create Needs work patch 2872697-45.patch
πŸ› WSOD Error when editing group type permissions RTBC
πŸ› The group_content entity should have the same default language as the target entity RTBC
πŸ› Group delete error 500 when processing large amount of contents/members RTBC


✨ Views default argument for referencing current user groups RTBC
πŸ’¬ Get a token of a node's parent group to create a pathauto pattern Needs work patch group-gnode_tokens-2774827-75.patch
✨ Add views contextual filter to get group ID from either URL or group content Fixed patch views-cont-filter-to-get-gid-from-url-or-group-content-3112501.patch
✨ Add support for 'view own unpublished entity' permission Fixed patch 2876696-16.patch
πŸ› Group content label for group membership not updated when original entity label changes Needs review patch MR !34
✨ Sort or order Node add page by bundle label rather than the current seemingly-random order Needs work

🌱 Plan






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πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany zcht

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  • Issue created by @zcht
  • πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany zcht
  • πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany zcht

    @kristiaanvandeneynde After the successful release of 'Initiative for Group 1.x compatibility under Drupal 10', could you take a look at this plan before a new release is put out? Thanks.

  • πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺBelgium kristiaanvandeneynde Antwerp, Belgium

    @zcht I'm not sure how much me taking a look would help, really. The only reason we got a new release with proper D10 support is because someone managed to convince their client to sponsor that. What limited time I have to work on Group is fully focused on v2/v3, so unless someone deems all of the issues in the IS important enough to want to sponsor a new version with those patches committed, I just don't see it happening.

    I do applaud the effort that has gone into this and perhaps some of these issues will be fixed in v2/3 as I slowly make my way through the issue queue. But backporting all of that work is unlikely to happen at this point. v1.6 is stable enough and still has security coverage, but for whatever bugs they encounter, people will have to rely on adding patches to their composer file.

    Stopping short of closing this as won't fix because someone might step in and work on this or sponsor some of my time to work on it.

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