Final steps to deprecate Actions UI (action) module

Created on 25 June 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 28 March 2024, 12 months ago


Track the steps needed to remove extension action from core to contrib. See Remove a core module and move it to a contributed project → of the deprecation policy.

The removal of extension action was approved in 🌱 [Policy] Deprecate Action (UI) module in D10 and move to contrib in D11 Fixed .

Remaining tasks

  1. Create a section on Deprecated and obsolete modules and themes → to provide recommendations for sites using extension action machine name. The recommendations are to include instructions for sites using the extension and for contributed projects that depend on then extension.
  2. Set lifecycle to deprecated.
  3. Set lifecycle_link to the section added above, → .
  4. Add @group legacy to the tests in the extension.
  5. The change record for this issue includes a link to the doc page.
  6. Do a thorough search of core for any remaining references to the extension. If references are found, outside of the extension, then creates issues to remove the references.

Release notes snippet

📌 Task



10.3 ✨

Action  →

Last updated 3 months ago

No maintainer
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🇳🇿New Zealand quietone

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