- Issue created by @thomas.frobieter
- Assigned to Anybody
- Status changed to Needs review
about 2 years ago 3:12pm 9 March 2023 - @anybody opened merge request.
thomas.frobieter →
committed 0a813bbd on 4.x
Issue #3346991: Dont minify the modules JS - minifier adds "use strict"...
thomas.frobieter →
committed 0a813bbd on 4.x
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Fixed
about 2 years ago 4:16pm 9 March 2023 Also fixed in the other DROWL modules (no seperate issues - commit messages mention this issue here)
Turns out.. Gulp minify/uglify wasn't the problem here. Its simply Babels @babel/env preset, that adds the strict mode (see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33821312/how-to-remove-global-use-st...).
We dont care anymore about ES6 support, so I'll remove this.
However, we leave the JS files unminified and let Drupal do the job, even if its unrelated to the origin issue.
thomas.frobieter →
committed 52c0936d on 4.x
Issue #3346991 by thomas.frobieter, Anybody: Dont minify the modules JS...
thomas.frobieter →
committed 52c0936d on 4.x
thomas.frobieter →
committed 83af0772 on 4.x
Removed babel from gulpfile, see Issue #3346991
thomas.frobieter →
committed 83af0772 on 4.x
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.