Password policy info should be after the password field.

Created on 15 February 2023, about 2 years ago
Updated 1 August 2024, 7 months ago


The password policy appears at or near the bottom, underneath roles and status. It should be under the password field. I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding something here, it's weird nobody else reported this before now.

Steps to reproduce

Install and configure the module. I have observed this on every site I've used the module on.

Proposed resolution

The other form elements are widgets, and Drupal sets their weight to the order defined in the form display divided by 1000, which means the weights are 0.001, 0.002 etc.

In an ideal world, this would be fixed by declaring the password policy as a widget so that it can be re-ordered or removed from the form display by the user.

A short term fix is to change the weight in password_policy_form_user_form_alter(). It's currently 4 and should be 0.003.

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom Rob230

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    The change alters the user interface, so before and after screenshots should be added to document the UI change. Make sure to capture the relevant region only. Use a tool such as Aviary on Windows or Skitch on Mac OS X.

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