Wrong configuration object name in "already exist in active configuration" error

Created on 1 February 2023, almost 2 years ago

When enabling a module, sometimes it will fail with the message "Configuration objects (OBJECT_NAME) provided by MODULE already exist in active configuration". This can be fixed by running drush config:delete OBJECT_NAME.

However, the OBJECT_NAME I am getting is not something I can delete. Example:

$ drush en wxt_ext_editor
In PreExistingConfigException.php line 65:
  Configuration objects (language/fr/toc_api.toc_type.wxt) provided by wxt_ext_editor already exist in active configuration
Failed to run drush en wxt_ext_editor: exit status 1

$ drush cdel language/fr/toc_api.toc_type.wxt
 [error]  Config language/fr/toc_api.toc_type.wxt does not exist
Failed to run drush cdel language/fr/toc_api.toc_type.wxt: exit status 1

Is there some way that I can find out the name of the object that I have to delete?

I have also tried deleting toc_api.toc_type.wxt and language.fr.toc_api.toc_type.wxt. They also do not exist.

Alternatively, is there a way I can just have it overwrite on install?

πŸ’¬ Support request




Configuration entityΒ  β†’

Last updated 3 days ago

Created by

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada Liam Morland Ontario, CA πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

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