[META] Override field formatter settings per entity

Created on 23 May 2022, almost 3 years ago
Updated 1 September 2023, over 1 year ago


Paragraphs adds a new entity hierarchy field level to Drupal. While before you filled predefined fields when creating an entity and displayed them, as set in the entity display, there are now new possibilities with Paragraphs!

This further level now adds the demand for new ways to configure the paragraphs field formatter settings individually, per paragraph entity instance. This may sound curious, but let me explain by an example:

While fields display on entities like nodes should typically always be the same, as defined by the site builder, paragraphs gives more power to content editors to create individual (marketing) content.
For example, using a YouTube Video field on an entity type (e.g. "article") should always be displayed the same for the same entity display intentionally. So for example for "full" you enable "Autoplay".

For a Paragraph "Video" type this decision should be made by the content editor. Not the site builder. You need a way to expose this field formatter setting to the editor, but there's no way yet...? :)

Is there any module already which allows exposing and override certain field formatter settings per entity?
If yes, it seems hard to find it. If no, we should discuss how it could work!

I started a discussion here, but I'm not really sure, if entity_reference_display is the right place: #3222606: Allow to override referenced view mode settings per entity β†’

As I think paragraphs is the most important and typical project to use such a functionality, I created the issue here, but it's a general concept which could improve Drupal in such situations.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add a "Video" paragraph type
  2. Look for a way to let the content creators decide to auto-play the video individually per paragraphs.
  3. Start implementing the "Autoplay"-switch yourself
  4. Find the next option you're missing that's already implemented in the field formatter settings and should be exposed to content editors.
  5. Find this issue and discuss with us, how that could be done in the future ;)

To express it with an image: How to expose some of these options to paragraphs CRUD (per entitiy) for editors to override the exposed settings?:

Proposed resolution

I think this first needs a discussion, but afterwards I think this is a general concept, which mostly improves flexibility with paragraphs, but should work on all fields / fieldable entities.

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

✨ Feature request






Created by

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany Anybody Porta Westfalica

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