I have the same problem, and I think it has to do with this piece of code:
/** * Implements hook_mail_alter(). * * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException */ function contact_emails_mail_alter(&$message) { // If an email from the contact module, disable sending. $contact_form_ids = [ 'contact_page_autoreply', 'contact_page_mail', ]; if (in_array($message['id'], $contact_form_ids)) { /** @var \Drupal\contact\MessageInterface $contact_message */ if ($contact_message = $message['params']['contact_message']) { $contact_form = $contact_message->getContactForm(); $contact_form_id = $contact_form->id(); /** @var \Drupal\contact_emails\ContactEmailStorageInterface $storage */ $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('contact_email'); if ($storage->hasContactEmails($contact_form_id)) { // Disable sending of default mails if we have at least one email // set by contact_emails (regardless of whether or not it is a disabled // email). $message['send'] = FALSE; } } else { // If we don't have a contact_message object, something must have gone // wrong, let's disable just in case. $log = t('Unable to load the contact message when attempting to alter the default mailing from contact form for contact form id: @contact_form_id', ['@contact_form_id' => $message['id']]); \Drupal::logger('contact_emails')->notice($log); $message['send'] = FALSE; } }
Located in web/modules/contrib/contact_emails/contact_emails.module. It says "disable sending of default emails of we have at least one email set by contact emails".
So when I have a contact email entry here: /admin/structure/contact/manage/contact/emails
It does not matter if I fill the auto-reply in /admin/structure/contact/manage/contact.But when I delete all emails in /admin/structure/contact/manage/contact/emails, auto-reply does work.
Sorry, my bad, this code belongs to contact_emails module, not to this one, although it is affecting this one. I already created a ticket for contact_emails: https://www.drupal.org/project/contact_emails/issues/3358232 🐛 Contact form auto-reply disabled when contact email available Active