- 🇳🇱Netherlands megachriz
Tagging issue with "multilanguage", so I can find this issue back as soon as I plan to focus on Feeds multilingual issues again.
I also updated the issue summary, specifying three workflows that should be documented.
I cannot find documentation about configuring a Feed type to import a multilingual entity. For example, in the JSON source I have, there are translations with same NID (same content, different languages). I tried the mapping of the attached screenshot but after import, only the first translation is imported (the first translation with same NID).
Moreover, If I uncheck the unique checkbox, all node translations get imported. However, they are created as separated nodes (without having the same NID they had on original source).
Document how to proceed with multilingual imports in the official docs:
https://www.drupal.org/docs/contributed-modules/feeds →
The docs would need to say what workflows for importing multilingual content are supported and then provide a step by step guide on how to implement each workflow.
One workflow is that the source looks like this, where the columns specify the language:
1,Hello World,Hallo Wereld
An other workflow where the language is specified in a particular column:
1,Hello World,en
1,Hallo Wereld,nl
And a third workflow is that the content is in separate files:
1,Hello World
1,Hallo Wereld
And this guide should then explain how one can become a translation of the other.
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Tagging issue with "multilanguage", so I can find this issue back as soon as I plan to focus on Feeds multilingual issues again.
I also updated the issue summary, specifying three workflows that should be documented.