- 🇸🇪Sweden kristofferwiklund
Fixes our problem with resaving 001. This fix also fixed problem with float values stored in string field. So that 0.01 => 0.0100 is saved.
- Status changed to Needs work
10 months ago 6:12pm 16 April 2024 - 🇸🇰Slovakia poker10
Thanks for reporting and working on this! It is a really unpleasent bug.
The D7 version of the array compare function is a bit different from the latest D9/10 patch here: #2925972: FieldItemList::equals() doesn't correctly compare textfield values with leading zeros → . I think we need to check if we are not missing any other possible conditions present in the D9 patch. Other than that, we need to add tests for this. So moving to Needs work. Thanks!