kristofferwiklund β created an issue.
Closing as Drupal 7 is deprecated.
Solved my problem with PHP 8.3
Fixed in latest dev branch.
For me applying the patch fixes the preview problem.
@ron-collins can you verify on disk that the files has been changed? For example in src/Controller/FocalPointPreviewController.php on row 83 you should have: EntityStorageInterface $fileStorage
Had the same problem. I also had:
[notice] Update started: gutenberg_post_update_install_missing_configurations
[error] Field 'field_pattern_category' on entity type 'block_content' references a target entity type 'taxonomy_term' which does not exist.
[error] Update failed: gutenberg_post_update_install_missing_configurations
So I enable the taxonomy module also. After that the update went fine.
The workaround is to enable Options and Taxonomy module and then update the module. It is dependencies on the new version. But the update hook does not reflect that.
Fixes our problem with resaving 001. This fix also fixed problem with float values stored in string field. So that 0.01 => 0.0100 is saved.
So we have found code that seems have never been run in PHP 7. But as logic in PHP 8 has been changed (to the better) its now running and breaks views.
In code we have the following row:
if (isset($view->form_cache) && $view->form_cache['key'] != $key) {
When adding a filter group $view->form_cache['key'] will be "rearrange-filter" and $key will be "0"
And in PHP 7: $view->form_cache['key'] != $key is FALSE. As "rearrange-filter" is converted to int,0. So 0!=0 is FALSE.
And in PHP 8: $view->form_cache['key'] != $key is TRUE. As $key is converted to string ''. So "rearrange-filter" != '' is TRUE.
(More info here:
The affect of this is that that form_cache is clear the the form is not updated.
I have tried setting a break point in PHP7 on the "unset($view->form_cache);" row. And that has never been triggered for me.
So the solution for me is to remove the if code.
Finding the same problem. Looking in to it. But it seems the the references @attekilpela has, is to an old github version of Views. The correct urls should be to here:
Duplicate of #2746617: Allow for tokenized return URL β