Migrate text fields with conflicting text_processing setting as formatter text fields

Created on 12 May 2021, almost 4 years ago
Updated 15 July 2024, 8 months ago


In #2842222: D7 Plain text fields incorrectly migrated to D8 as Text (formatted) , we decided to not migrate text fields with conflicting text formats. This also means that there are data which is not migrated into the destination site – and it is very visible if your migrated node misses its (imho) most important body field's data.

As a user migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9, I don't expect data loss in regards of core-provided fields.

Proposed resolution

Migrate even those text fields (and the data they store) which have conflicting text processing settings (on their field instance level).

My ideas:

  1. Migrate text fields conflicting text_processing setting as formatter text fields, but map their filter to plain_text.


    • Easy to implement.
    • Only the field migrate plugin should be modified.
    • The migrated data is still rendered the same as on the Drupal 7 source instance.
  2. Create separate field storages for text fields with conflicting text_processing setting: one for the plain text fields, and one for the formatted ones.


    • Data storage can be closer to Drupal 8|9 standards.


    • Less likely to be committed to core (ever) – because of unresolvable BC impacts.
    • The migrate source plugin should be modified – including also the data.
    • I don't (yet) know how, but every field_name destination plugin should use a lookup for getting the destination field name.

This issue/patch implement idea 1.

Remaining tasks

Reroll - tagged novice for this

User interface changes


API changes

Text fields (and the data they store) with conflicting text processing settings are also migrated.

Data model changes


Release notes snippet

Feature request

Needs work


11.0 🔥


Last updated 34 minutes ago

Created by

🇭🇺Hungary huzooka Hungary 🇭🇺🇪🇺

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