Keep all sniffs in phpcs.xml.dist in sync with the list got from the locked version of coder

Created on 12 May 2020, almost 5 years ago
Updated 30 January 2023, about 2 years ago


As discussed in #3134731: Update coder to 8.3.9 with @longwave and @jonathan1055, we decided to get phpcs.xml.dist sorted first in #3135933: Sort sniffs/rules in phpcs.xml.dist and write test to keep them sorted . and furthermore in this issue, to write a test to ensure all sniffs (commented out or not) phpcs.xml.dist are in sync with the list got from the locked version of coder.

Proposed resolution


Alternatively: is it possible to say something like

<rule ref="Drupal">
<exclude name="..." />
<exclude name="..." />
<exclude name="..." />
<exclude name="..." />

so we only explicitly exclude sniffs we know about? Then when we upgrade Coder and get new sniffs, they automatically apply, and we have to either fix or exclude them?

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Last updated about 13 hours ago

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🇨🇳China jungle Chongqing, China

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  • 🇦🇹Austria klausi 🇦🇹 Vienna

    I found out by accident that core has implemented some sniffs in phpcs.xml.dist that are missing in Coder. Opened 📌 Adopt PHPCS config from Drupal core that is missing in Coder Active , Coder 8.3.27 is now in sync again.

    The proposed solution in the issue summary here is good, we should do it exactly like that.

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone

    And core has a sniff that was removed from Coder, 📌 Remove Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.TypeHintMissing from phpcs.xml.dist Active .

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom longwave UK

    Recreated #7. I added with the entire Drupal and DrupalPractice sets except the rules we already exclude, removed any duplicates that are already in those sets, and added further exclusions for rules that we don't meet yet.

    Given that we now pin to a specific version of Coder and also that our CI jobs are now much better than before, I think this is a better format for the file - it's easier to see which standards we don't adhere to yet, and we will never be surprised as we are in control of upgrading Coder.

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    10 days ago
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  • 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone

    Yes, lets do this.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom longwave UK

    Did some more cleanup on this; I've rearranged the file and many comments to make it easier to follow. It's easier to review the new version of the file instead of trying to read the diff here.

    I discovered that Coder disables SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing but we want it enabled for tests, so we explicitly re-enable it here. I've done a number of further checks by breaking coding standards in files and ensuring that things are still caught as expected.

    I think the <file> section is wrong as the .sh files don't seem to get checked, but that can wait for a followup.

  • 🇧🇪Belgium borisson_ Mechelen, 🇧🇪

    I don't have any remarks. I think this looks good. It does make it so that coder has to be a bit more careful when adding new rules I guess?

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom longwave UK

    Apologies for the scope creep but SortTest was failing because it required exclude-pattern to be sorted at the top level; it's nicer to be able to group these with comments so I removed that test, but I also added additional tests to ensure include-pattern and exclude-pattern inside rules are correctly sorted, and fixed all cases where this was not met.

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