- 🇳🇱Netherlands askibinski
Here is a re-rolls as in #20 but on top of #76 in 🐛 Render using theme input and select instead of lists with links for checkboxes and dropdown Needs review for D10 compatibility.
It does not take into account feedback from @Brolad above. - First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !253Issue #3106111 Facets compatibility with views_ajax_history → (Open) created by BramDriesen
- 🇧🇪Belgium BramDriesen Belgium 🇧🇪
Re-applied #17 on a issue fork.
Uploading a combined patch of #3106111] and #3052574
- 🇧🇪Belgium waropd
Updated patch #31 to work on facets 2.0.9
Change is in facets-views-ajax.js
Changed lines:
<?php // Update url. window.historyInitiated = true; window.history.pushState(null, document.title, href); ?>
Previous patch had this right at the top of the updateFacetsViewPatch. Facets 2.0.9 has this about 20 lines lower which is the same as in this new patch
- 🇧🇪Belgium p-neyens
Updated patch #31which breaks facet summary (ajax) to work with the changes of #3052574-275
I don't started from #32 @waropd because issue https://www.drupal.org/project/facets/issues/3254732 🐛 Facets summary compatibility with views_ajax_history Needs review is fixed.changed lines:
if (updateFacetsSummaryBlock() && (facetId === 'facets_summary_ajax')) { $(once(facetId, '[data-drupal-facets-summary-id=' + facetSettings.facets_summary_id + '] ul li')).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var facetLink = $(this).find('a'); updateFacetsView(facetLink.attr('href'), current_dom_id, view_path); }); } becomes else if (facetId == 'facets_summary_ajax_summary' || facetId == 'facets_summary_ajax_summary_count') { if (updateFacetsSummaryBlock()) { $(once('data-drupal-facets-summary-id', '[data-drupal-facets-summary-id=' + facetSettings.facets_summary_id + ']')).children('ul').children('li').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var facetLink = $(this).find('a'); updateFacetsView(facetLink, current_dom_id, view_path); }); } }