Content translation overview should add destination query parameter

Created on 11 January 2019, about 6 years ago
Updated 8 June 2023, over 1 year ago


It would be helpful when you're on the translation overview to return to the overview after adding or editing the translation. This matches what we do for content listings.

Proposed resolution

Add ?destination= query parameters to all the operations on the Content Translation overview.

Remaining tasks

Address #11

User interface changes

After adding or editing a translation the user is brought back to the translation overview page instead of the default redirect provided by the entity type (usually the view page).

📌 Task

Needs work


11.0 🔥

Content translation 

Last updated about 10 hours ago

No maintainer
Created by

🇩🇪Germany tstoeckler Essen, Germany

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  • Needs usability review

    Used to alert the usability topic maintainer(s) that an issue significantly affects (or has the potential to affect) the usability of Drupal, and their signoff is needed. When adding this tag, make it easy to review the issue. Make sure the issue summary describes the problem and the proposed solution. Screenshots usually help a lot! To get sign-off on issues with the "Needs usability review" tag, post about them in the #ux channel on Drupal Slack, and/or attend a UX meeting to demo the patch and get direct feedback from designers/UX folks/product management on next steps. If an issue represents a significant new feature, UI change, or change to the general "user experience" of Drupal, use Needs product manager review instead. See the scope of responsibilities for product managers.

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  • 🇺🇸United States smustgrave

    Tagging for usability review for the issue brought up in #11

  • last update over 1 year ago
    29,402 pass
  • Status changed to Needs work over 1 year ago
  • 🇺🇸United States smustgrave

    As I learn more realized this should move to NW for best approach for #11. Then when a decision is made should it be sent to usability.

    Decision should be documented in issue summary with reason why.

  • 🇩🇪Germany rkoller Nürnberg, Germany

    Usability review

    We've discussed this issue at 📌 Drupal Usability Meeting 2023-05-12 Fixed . The recording of the meeting can be found under the following link:

    For the record, the attendees at the usability meeting were @aaronmchale, @benjifisher, @rkoller, and @shaal.

    At first apologies that it took a while. :( The issue was on the meetings shortlist for a few weeks now, but we only got around to discussing it about three weeks ago. During the write-up I’ve stumbled across a few more details as well as an issue with multilingual in Drupal 10.1.x-dev that delayed things further plus the last one or two weeks were a plain nightmare making me unable to finish the write-up. Sorry again.

    During the meeting we've compared the current with the patched state in the different contexts and tasks at hand on Drupal 10.1.x-dev with three languages, English, German, and French, installed. On the Detection and selection-page, Account administration pages is checked and on the user profile page site language and administration pages language is set to English and the translations for the content type Article is activated. In the first table, I have listed the destination parameters of each context and it’s tasks.

    In the second table the destinations for the different contexts are listed. That way it was easier to compare the behavior.

    Without the patch applied on save, in every context and for every task, the user is getting redirected to the View-tab page of a node, except in example C2 where the user is getting redirect back to admin/content. That way the destination was sort of consistent and predictable but the downside was that the user's flow was interrupted by getting redirected to the node’s page most of the time.

    With the patch applied the behavior gets a bit more diverse and potentially confusing across the different contexts and tasks (C1-C6). The user is getting redirected back to admin/content</code in the context of <code>admin/content where you’ve started off (C1-C3) while getting redirected in most cases “half way” to the translation overview page (C4&C6) instead of the nodes view-tab page (C5) in the context of nodes, as pointed out in #11.
    In general it is nearly close to impossible based on the potential different scenarios ("are you building out a site and its content" or "are you just governing already existing content"), contexts (admin/content or the node page), and the tasks at hand (add a node, add a translation after saving a node, editing a node, editing a translation after saving a node and so on) to manage everything with a single Save button and at the same time challenging for the user to remember all the different destinations based on the current context and task at hand.

    There was an agreement it would be clearer to add a secondary save button, a pattern that is utilized on the Add term-page. There you have a Save and a Save and go to list-button. In the context of the current patch it would make sense adopting the aforementioned pattern for C1, C3, C4 and C6. With save the user would be redirect to the node’s view page while with the other button the user could be directed back to the translation overview page.

    In regards of the button label one worry the group had was coming up with a brief and concise label with two to three words tops. Save and go to list is already too long for example. One idea that came up was Save and translate which would concise enough but is way too ambiguous.

    So the suggestion, not a clear recommendation, for the next steps would be adding a secondary button to C1, C3, C4 and C6 with the following labels:

    Save (this translation) (no destination parameter - the user gets redirected, depending on the context, to admin/content or the View-tab of the corresponding node)
    Save and go to list (use the translation overview page as the destination parameter - user gets redirected to the translation overview page of the current node)

    Then opening a follow-up issue about shortening and clarifying the button label. Save and go to list is too long and “list” might also be confused with the list of content on admin/content.

    The other option for a follow-up issue might be to extend the adoption of the secondary button pattern to C2 and C5 but using another destination parameter there. But all that would be out of the scope for this issue.

  • 🇩🇪Germany rkoller Nürnberg, Germany

    During the write-up for #38 📌 Content translation overview should add destination query parameter Needs work , when i was testing and also collecting feedback in a meetup, I ran into two more details to take into consideration:

    1. @rocketeerbkw noted during the Drupal Dojo Austin that the current patch doesn’t preserve the filter settings you were using on admin/content. If filter for example for Basic page and then edit or add a translation the destination you are getting redirected to in the end is again /admin/content instead of /admin/content?title=&type=page&status=All&langcode=All. it would be reasonable that the user is returned to the page and filter setting that one left off.

    2. In the context of the translation overview page for individual nodes having the translation overview as the destination causes another problem. It is sort of difficult to grasp the language context you are in on the translation overview page. In the environment i had set up i have three languages (english, german, french) installed and the administration language is set to english.

    in the current screenshot the admin language changed to german even though the admin language is set to english. i was editing the german node. when being redirected to the translation overview page the status message says that the german article was updated, the h1 says these are the translations for the french article, while in the language list you have english bolded as the original language. if you have a short working memory, or you get distracted or are away from your computer for a while and return you will have to at least think for a moment in which context you actually are and which version you will get to when you hit the edit tab (bearbeiten). It is sort of difficult due to 🐛 Admin toolbar and contextual links should always be rendered in the admin language (if set) Needs work and 🐛 Content and interface translation don't clearly separate Active to reproduce the setting i illustrate in the screenshot consistently. But nevertheless the edit button is sort of problematic with the translation overview page as the destination. Definitely out of the scope of this issue but i think it would be reasonable to have at least a discussion.

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