Field layouts doesn't seem to work for embedded forms

Created on 9 August 2018, almost 6 years ago
Updated 21 July 2023, 11 months ago


The Field Layout module currently puts the regions in renderable groups keyed by the region's machine name.

However, Drupal renders groups using a #group key that is based on imploded #parents of the form elements. This means that the Field Layout will work fine in a standalone entity form, but (as far as I can see) will never work in an embedded form such as the ones used by Inline Entity Form and Paragraphs.


  • In FieldLayoutBuilder::buildForm():110 the group key is set to the region machine name. $build[$name]['#group'] = $field['region'];.
  • In RenderElement::processGroup():436 A new ‘#groups’ key is added to the form element that holds all possible groups in the form keyed by the imploded parents of the element.
    $parents = implode('][', $element['#parents']);
        // Each details element forms a new group. The #type 'vertical_tabs' basically
        // only injects a new details element.
        $groups = &$form_state->getGroups();
        $groups[$parents]['#group_exists'] = TRUE;
        $element['#groups'] = &$groups;

    After that form elements that should go in that group are added by reference, but this time by looking up the ‘#group’ key defined in the previous step.

     // Process vertical tabs group member details elements.
        if (isset($element['#group'])) {
          // Add this details element to the defined group (by reference).
          $group = $element['#group'];
          $groups[$group][] = &$element;
  • In RenderElement::preRenderGroup():160 the groups children are rendered based on the imploded parents of the parent element.
    $parents = implode('][', $element['#parents']);
    $children = Element::children($element['#groups'][$parents]);

Conclusion: since not the imploded parents are used as #group key, the fields will never be rendered when there are parents (e.g. when they are an embedded entity form).

Proposed resolution

Change the ‘#group’ key to the imploded parents + the region name.

Remaining tasks

- Write a patch
- Add tests

🐛 Bug report




Field layout 

Last updated 4 months ago

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🇪🇸Spain nuez Madrid, Spain

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