Automate Accessibility Checks for Core

Created on 4 March 2017, almost 8 years ago
Updated 16 November 2023, over 1 year ago


Automated tools have advanced a lot over the last few years, and we should be able to add accessibility testing either within our CI/CD process. At the very least, we should be able to evaluate a daily snapshot, which would allow us to test various components of Core with an automated tool. Automated testing will never catch 100% of WCAG 2.1 issues, but it will catch the easiest to catch barriers.

What most developers have focused on recently is Deque's axe core. This is both open source, and built to avoid false positives. Deque's rule-set and accompanying resource library helps developers understand and resolve issues when they arise. A Deque study suggests that up to 57% of accessibility issues can be identified through axe, which is much higher than previous estimates.

Axe is incorporated into the base of many tools like Google Lighthouse, Accessibility Insights, Pa11y and many others. There is even a Drupal module ( Accessibility Scanner ) that uses axe to scan the site.

This is in some ways getting back to this Green by 2014 initiative, to build in more automated testings, including an accessibility Test Swarm . Much of this was discussed at DrupalCon Portland in 2014.


Maintaining Drupal's accessibility will be easier if we are able to easily and regularly evaluate key functionality.

We need to be able to define the key functionality that we would want to test, would likely need to use a module like Realistic Dummy Content , to ensure that there is more there than just Core, but might also want to use Umami .

It would then be possible to either crawl the dummy site, or hit a set number of URLs. The advantage with the latter is that it would be easier to control, and thus understand if there is an increase or decrease over time. Perfection is not the goal, the goal is to be more inclusive today than you were yesterday.

Build on our work

The CivicActions Drupal team discussed this briefly earlier in the week. Would be terrific to be able to build on some of the existing initiatives within the Drupal community.

Nightwatch is already built in, and so it would be trivial to add in nightwatch-axe-core to make accessibility testing easier. Some folks use Cypress & Cypress-axe, but best to build on what we have.

If we are moving to GitLab CI/CD, then there is support for pa11y already. We'd need to make sure that axe-core is included. Always great when others have paved the way. We should be able to publish Accessibility Reports with GitLab as well.

The Pa11y Dashboard might be the easiest way to provide a historical view.

Pages to scan - Phase 1

This isn't intended to be a complete list. This could all be done with Pa11y & axe-core.

  • Home page
  • Search
  • List View
  • Table View
  • Sample article content type
  • Sample blog content type
  • 404 page
  • Log in
  • Create new account
  • Reset your password
  • Admin - Content
  • Admin - Content: Add Article
  • Admin - Content: Add Blog
  • Admin - Structure
  • Admin - Structure: Block layout
  • Admin - Structure: Create Content type
  • Admin - Structure: Create Taxonomy
  • Admin - Structure: Create View
  • Admin - Appearance
  • Admin - Appearance: Configure Olivero
  • Admin - Extend
  • Admin - Configuration
  • Admin - Configuration: Basic site settings
  • Admin - People
  • Admin - People: Add user
  • Admin - People: Permissions
  • Admin - Reports
  • Admin - Reports: Status report
  • Admin - Help
  • Admin - Help: Text editor

Functions to test - Phase 2

We would likely need to use start writing Nightwatch-axe-core tests to evaluate the interactive functionality.

  • Search
  • Login
  • Admin - Content: Add Article
  • Admin - Structure: Create Content type
  • Admin - Structure: Create View


We should keep things like and on our radar as a potential way to add accessibility checking in an automated fashion.

Earlier efforts to build a JavaScript test swarm:

Feature request




Created by

🇺🇸United States Mixologic Portland, OR

Live updates comments and jobs are added and updated live.
  • Accessibility

    It affects the ability of people with disabilities or special needs (such as blindness or color-blindness) to use Drupal.

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It's likely this issue predates some issue and comment data are missing.

  • 🇨🇦Canada mgifford Ottawa, Ontario

    It would be great to get a list of the URLs that are presently being covered by axe. There are some issues sneaking into Core that should have been caught by automated testing.

    As with any good CI/CD process, it is important to monitor that list of URLs on a regular basis to ensure that we are using the best sampling that we can.

    Phase 1 & 2 in the description identified some key URLs. It is unclear (without digging into the code) which URLs are being tested.

  • 🇺🇸United States kentr Durango, CO

    RE #25, I found these test case URLs.

    • "/"
    • "/admin/content"
    • "/admin/structure"
    • "/admin/structure/block"
    • "/admin/structure/taxonomy/add"
    • "/admin/structure/types/add"
    • "/node/add/page?destination=/admin/content"
    • "/search/node"
    • "/user/1/edit" (tested with and without the navigation module
    • "/user/login"

    In these files:

    I'm wondering if there's an error in the admin tests.

    { name: 'Create Article', path: '/user/1/edit' },

    Should perhaps be:

    { name: 'Create Article', path: '/node/add/article?destination=/admin/content' },
  • 🇺🇸United States kentr Durango, CO

    There are some issues sneaking into Core that should have been caught by automated testing.

    Some of these missed issues may be a result of the limited nightwatch_a11y_testing profile. A bunch of Axe errors appear when I use the modules from the standard profile.

    I've been digging into it a little more before I create an issue.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom the_g_bomb

    Certainly, that create article path looks wrong.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom the_g_bomb

    I created this issue and fixed the path.
    🐛 Incorrect path used in a A11y Test Admin Active

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom the_g_bomb

    I have also created: Expand the a11y nightwatch coverage in Core Active to pickup the rest of the coverage

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