- πΊπΈUnited States webdrips
For me, the dropdown list wasn't even sorting by the weights set, and I had to set my custom module weight to 12 (one higher than paragraphs) to get the following code working:
... switch ($form_id) { case 'blah': $field = 'field_blah'; break; ... } if (isset($form[$field]['widget']['add_more']['add_more_select']['#options'])) { natsort($form[$field]['widget']['add_more']['add_more_select']['#options']); } ...
I want to fix the same issue.
Why is this issue marked as "fixed" ?
There is no patch.who is closing unresolved issues, especially lying by marking it as "fixed" ?
- First commit to issue fork.
You can also find your field config for the paragraph field and manually sort the paragraph names in the field target_bundles setting.
settings: handler: 'default:paragraph' handler_settings: target_bundles: accordion_section: accordion_section anchor: anchor article_listing: article_listing background_section_break: background_section_break buttons: buttons card_gallery: card_gallery card_grid: card_grid collection: collection