The object oriented database api in Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 has some features to reduce sql injection. There are some pieces of the API that do not protect against sql injection. A developer using the database api can pass user-supplied data to many parameters of the api and trust the api to protect against sql injection. However, there are many parameters that are not protected.
An example of some insecure code:
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array('nid', 'title'));
$order = isset($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : 'DESC';
$order_field = isset($_GET['order_field']) ? $_GET['order_field'] : 'n.nid';
$query->orderBy($order_field, $order);
$results = $query->execute();
The above specific weakness would be fixed by
#829464: orderby() should verify direction [DONE] and escape fields β
Here is a list of some of the more frequently used methods and which parameters to those methods are are safe or dangerous:
// db_insert->fields(['dangerous', 'dangerous']);
// db_insert->fields([dangerous => safe])
// db_insert->values([safe => safe]); * when combined with safe ->fields
// i.e. the "degenerate" form provides security if you must put user
// supplied data into the keys of the values.
// db_update->fields([dangerous => safe])
// db_delete->condition(safe, safe, dangerous)
// db_select(safe, safe)
// ->fields(safe, safe)
// ->condition(safe, safe, dangerous)
// ->where(dangerous)
// ->addTag(safe)
// addField(safe, safe, safe)
// ->range(safe, safe)
// ->join(safe, safe, dangerous, safe array of args)
// ->innerJoin(safe, safe, dangerous, safe array of args)
// ->leftJoin(safe, safe, dangerous, safe array of args)
// ->rightJoin(safe, safe, dangerous, safe array of args)
// ->addJoin(dangerous, safe, safe, dangerous, safe array of parameters)
// ->addExpression(dangerous, safe)
// ->isNotNull(safe)
// ->havingCondition(safe, safe, dangerous);
// ->having(dangerous, safe parameter array)
// ->groupBy(dangerous);
// ->orderBy(dangerous, safe);
// ->addMetaData(safe, safe)
We should do some mix of: