Let translation system accept NULL and empty sting as values for langcode key in $options array parameter

Created on 22 October 2015, almost 9 years ago
Updated 30 January 2023, over 1 year ago

Why this should be an RC target

This is a subtle bug that will result in some strings failing to be translated properly, see e.g. #7. Contrib may end up in adding more failing calls. The proposed fix in #14 addresses the issue at the root API level by enforcing proper defaults in case NULL arguments are passed in. No disruption AFAICS.

- Follow-up to 🐛 GD toolkit & operations should catch \Throwable to fail gracefully in case of errors Fixed
- Former title: format_size() erroneously passes NULL as langcode in options array


File common.inc, function format_size()

This function either calls:

\Drupal::translation()->formatPlural($size, '1 byte', '@count bytes', array(), array('langcode' => $langcode));


    $options = ['langcode' => $langcode];
    return new TranslatableMarkup('@size ...', $args, $options);

However, the parameter $langcode may be null or absent with a default of null. in which case the $option array contains an entry 'langcode' with a value of null.

Deeper down this leads to:

  • Missing merging in defaults (core\lib\Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationManager.php:doTranslate():
        // Merge in options defaults.
        $options = $options + [
          'langcode' => $this->defaultLangcode,
          'context' => '',
  • Checking/assigning key NULL (core\lib\Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\Translator\StaticTranslation.php:getStringTranslation()):
        if (!isset($this->translations[$langcode])) {
          $this->translations[$langcode] = $this->getLanguage($langcode);
  • Checking/assigning key NULL; implicitly converting NULL to string; Missing cache (or even using cache built in another language?) via core\modules\locale\src\LocaleTranslation.php:getStringTranslation() and core\modules\locale\src\LocaleLookup.php:getCid():
        if (!isset($this->translations[$langcode][$context])) {
          $this->translations[$langcode][$context] = new LocaleLookup($langcode, $context, $this->storage, $this->cache, $this->lock, $this->configFactory, $this->languageManager, $this->requestStack);
          $this->cid = "locale:{$this->langcode}:{$this->context}:$rids";

From these examples it may be clear that in Drupal translation:
- A parameter $langcode may be left out or null if explicitly indicated so.
- A parameter $langcode may not be null (or the empty string ) if it is documented as being of type string.
- A key 'langcode' in a $options parameter of type array may be absent but not null.

Errors against this pattern are also found in:
- \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter::formatInterval()
- \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime::format(), formatDiff()
- File system.tokens.inc, function system_tokens(), call to formatTimeDiffSince
- \Drupal\Core\Validation\DrupalTranslator

Proposed resolution

Let the translation system accept null or the empty string as value for the key langcode in a $options array parameter or as $langcode parameter.

Note: why also the empty string? Because NULL converted to a string results in the empty string. Config/ini/key-value store components often only return strings using the empty string for an absent value. Example: \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup::getOption() returns the empty string if an option is set to null.

Remaining tasks

  • Review patch.
  • Accept patch.

User interface changes


API changes

None, as values accepted were not strictly defined/documented. After the patch, more values are accepted and handled as expected.

Data model changes


🐛 Bug report

Needs work



Language system 

Last updated 1 day ago

  • Maintained by
  • 🇩🇪Germany @sun
Created by

🇫🇷France fietserwin Le Mont-Dore

Live updates comments and jobs are added and updated live.
  • Needs tests

    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

  • D8MI

    (Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative) is the tag used by the multilingual initiative to mark core issues (and some contributed module issues). For versions other than Drupal 8, use the i18n (Internationalization) tag on issues which involve or affect multilingual / multinational support. That is preferred over Translation.

  • Needs issue summary update

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  • The Needs Review Queue Bot tested this issue. It either no longer applies to Drupal core, or fails the Drupal core commit checks. Therefore, this issue status is now "Needs work".

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