Little correction for process of preparing the description of the file upload field

Created on 16 October 2015, over 9 years ago
Updated 31 January 2023, about 2 years ago


I've developed module Forbidden File Format
The logic of this module based on disabling of upload validator 'file_validate_extensions' and adding my own validator.

It's possible if I'll do this:

$item['#upload_validators']['file_validate_extensions'] = array();
then Drupal will allow to upload any types of files.

But I have a problem in function template_preprocess_file_upload_help()
There is this code

 if (isset($upload_validators['file_validate_extensions'])) {
    $descriptions[] = t('Allowed types: @extensions.', array('@extensions' => $upload_validators['file_validate_extensions'][0]));

In my case the $upload_validators['file_validate_extensions'] is empty array and IF returns TRUE, but index 0 in $upload_validators['file_validate_extensions'][0] isn't set and I get notice.

In the multiple mode of field function "template_preprocess_file_upload_help" execute from this code

     $elements['#file_upload_description'] = array(
        '#theme' => 'file_upload_help',
        '#description' => '',
        '#upload_validators' => $elements[0]['#upload_validators'],
        '#cardinality' => $cardinality,

and there is no way to avoid this notice. If I'll unset $upload_validators['file_validate_extensions'] then Drupal will allow default extensions of file. But I should allow all extensions in Drupal and deny some extensions in my module.

I think that more logical is check that index 0 also has been set.

Feature request

Postponed: needs info



File system 

Last updated about 4 hours ago

Created by

🇷🇺Russia eugene.ilyin

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